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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    Improved exit policy syntax; basic client-side DNS caching. · a8eaa79e
    Nick Mathewson authored
    - Exit policies now support bitmasks ( and bitcounts  Policies are parsed on startup, not when comparing to them.
    - desired_path_len is now part of an opaque cpath_build_state_t structure.
    - END_REASON_EXITPOLICY cells no longer include a port.
    - RELAY_COMMAND_CONNECTED cells now include the IP address we've connected
    - connection_edge now has a client_dns cache to remember resolved addresses.
      It gets populated by RELAY_COMMAND_CONNECTED cells and END_REASON_EXITPOLICY
      cells.  It gets used by connection_ap_handshake_send_begin.  We don't
      compare it to exit policies yet.