_model: sponsor --- active: false --- time: 2021-2023 --- name: Sloan Foundation --- key: 28 --- logo: /static/images/sponsors/Sloan_logo.png --- _hidden: yes --- link: https://sloan.org/ --- description: The ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION is a not-for-profit, mission-driven grantmaking institution dedicated to improving the welfare of all through the advancement of scientific knowledge. Established in 1934 by Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr., then-President and Chief Executive Officer of the General Motors Corporation, the Foundation makes grants in four broad areas: direct support of research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics; initiatives to increase the quality, equity, diversity, and inclusiveness of scientific institutions and the science workforce; projects to develop or leverage technology to empower research; and efforts to enhance and deepen public engagement with science and scientists. The Sloan Foundation has made an unrestricted, general operating grant to the Tor Project.