diff --git a/meeting.md b/meeting.md
index d2734e5a4b014455c807c50cf769112910babaa2..314c21f67953d8b6570e2957dc6cc3d4648f62dc 100644
--- a/meeting.md
+++ b/meeting.md
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ We keep minutes of our meetings here.
  * [2021-02-02](meeting/2021-02-02)
  * [2021-03-02](meeting/2021-03-02)
  * [2021-04-07](meeting/2021-04-07) (report only)
+ * [2021-05-03](meeting/2021-05-03) (report only)
  * [monthly-report](meeting/monthly-report)
  * [template](meeting/template)
diff --git a/meeting/2021-05-03.md b/meeting/2021-05-03.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6164129873f56f55b196b9242494149c41a56a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meeting/2021-05-03.md
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+As with the previous month, I figured I would show a sign of life here
+and try to keep you up to date with what's happening in sysadmin-land,
+even though we're not having regular meetings. I'm still experimenting
+with structure here, and this is totally un-edited, so please bear
+with me.
+# Important announcements
+You might have missed this:
+ * Jenkins will be retired in December 2021, and it's time to move
+   your jobs away
+ * if you want old Trac wiki redirects to go to the right place, do
+   let us know, see [ticket 40233][]
+ * we do not have ARM 32 builders anymore, the last one was shut down
+   recently ([ticket 32920][]) and they had been removed from CI
+   (Jenkins) anyways before that. the core team is looking at
+   alternatives for building Tor on armhf in the future, see [ticket
+   40347][]
+ * we have setup a Prometheus Alertmanager during the hack week, which
+   means we can do alerting based on Prometheus metrics, see the
+   [altering documentation][] for more information
+As usual, if you have any questions, comments, or issues, please do
+contact us following this "how to get help" procedure:
+Yes, that's a terrible URL. Blame GitLab. :)
+[altering documentation]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/wikis/howto/prometheus#alerting
+[ticket 40347]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40347
+[ticket 32920]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/32920
+[ticket 40233]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40233
+# Crash of the month
+Your sysadmin crashed a Ganeti node, creating a split-brain scenario
+([ticket 40229][]). He would love to say that was planned and a
+routine exercise to test the documentation but (a) it wasn't and (b)
+the document had to be made up as he went, so that was actually a
+stressful experience.
+Remember kids: never start a migration before the weekend or going to
+bed unless you're willing and ready to stay up all night (or
+[ticket 40229]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40229
+# Metrics of the month
+ * hosts in Puppet: 86, LDAP: 89, Prometheus exporters: 140
+ * number of Apache servers monitored: 28, hits per second: 147
+ * number of Nginx servers: 2, hits per second: 2, hit ratio: 0.86
+ * number of self-hosted nameservers: 6, mail servers: 7
+ * pending upgrades: 1, reboots: 0
+ * average load: 0.68, memory available: 2.00 TiB/2.77 TiB, running processes: 552
+ * bytes sent: 276.43 MB/s, received: 162.75 MB/s
+ * [GitLab tickets][]: ? tickets including...
+   * open: 0
+   * icebox: 109
+   * backlog: 15
+   * next: 2
+   * doing: 2
+   * (closed: 2266)
+ [Gitlab tickets]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/boards
+# Ticket analysis
+Here's an update of the ticket table, which we last saw in February:
+| date       | open | icebox | backlog | next | doing | closed | delta |
+| 2020-07-01 | 125  | 0      | 26      | 13   | 7     | 2075   |       |
+| 2020-11-18 | 1    | 84     | 32      | 5    | 4     | 2119   | 49    |
+| 2020-12-02 | 0    | 92     | 20      | 9    | 8     | 2130   | 11    |
+| 2021-01-19 | 0    | 91     | 20      | 12   | 10    | 2165   | 35    |
+| 2021-02-02 | 0    | 96     | 18      | 10   | 7     | 2182   | 17    |
+| 2021-03-02 | 0    | 107    | 15      | 9    | 7     | 2213   | 31    |
+| 2021-04-07 | 0    | 106    | 22      | 7    | 4     | 2225   | 12    |
+| 2021-05-03 | 0    | 109    | 15      | 2    | 2     | 2266   | 41    |
+I added a "delta" column which shows how many additional tickets were
+closed since the previous period. April is our record so far, with a
+record of 41 tickets closed in less than 30 days, more than one ticket
+per day!
+In other news, the Icebox keeps growing, which should keep us cool and
+breezy during the northern hemisphere summer that's coming up, but at
+least the Backlog is not growing too wildly, and the actual current
+queue (Next/Doing) is pretty reasonable. So things seem to be under
+control, but the new hiring process is taking significant time so this
+might upset our roadmap a little.
+# Ticket of the month
+Ticket [40218][] tracks the progress of the CI migration from Jenkins
+to GitLab CI. Jenkins is scheduled for retirement in December 2021,
+and progress has been excellent, with the network team actually
+*asking* for the Jenkins jobs to be disabled ([ticket 40225](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40225))
+which, if it gets completed, will means the retirement of 4 virtual
+machines already.
+Exciting cleanup!
+[40218]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40218