[Discourse][] is a web platform for hosting and moderating online discussion. The [Tor forum][] is currently hosted free of charge by Discourse.org for the benefit of the Tor community. [Discourse]: https://www.discourse.org/ [Tor forum]: https://forum.torproject.net/ [[_TOC_]] # Tutorial # How-to ## Use the app The official companion app for Discourse is [DiscourseHub][] Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be available from the F-Droid repository at the moment. [DiscourseHub]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.discourse ## Mirror a mailing list The instructions to set up a forum category that mirrors for a mailing list can be found [here](https://meta.discourse.org/t/creating-a-read-only-mailing-list-mirror/77990#category-2). The address that needs to be subscribed to the mailing list is `torproject1@discoursemail.com`. ## Pager playbook In case of a problem with the forum, we should start by checking the Discouse [status page](https://status.discourse.org/) and the [@DiscourseStatus](https://twitter.com/DiscourseStatus) Twitter profile. For any inquiries regarding issues with the forum, including unacknowledged downtime, we should contact team@discourse.org immediately. ## Disaster recovery In case of a major problem with the forum, we should contact the Discourse people at team@discourse.org. They have access to offsite backups. # Reference ## Installation The forum software was installed for us by the Discourse team, in their cloud infrastructure, so the only thing that needed to be set up from our side was a DNS entry. The address chosen for this service is https://forum.torproject.net/. It was decided to use the `.net` suffix instead of `.org` per [TPA-RFC-6](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/wikis/policy/tpa-rfc-6-naming-convention). ### Domain rediection For convenience, a HTTP redirection is set up in our infrastructure pointing `forum.torproject.org` to `forum.torproject.net`. ### Onion service We asked for this but unfortunately the Discourse team isn't interested in setting up an onion service for `forum.torproject.net`. This may be an argument in favor of hosting the forum on our own infrastructure down the road. They suggested we make one available via proxy, but we didn't look into that. ## SLA Since the forum is gratuitously hosted by Discourse for the Tor Project, the SLA on this service is "best effort". The [status history](https://status.discourse.org/pages/history/5e2141ce30dc5c04b3ac32fc) suggests that outages are relatively rare. ## Design ### Akismet plugin The Akismet plugin, enabled by default, is set to never submit data to Akismet via the `skip akismet trust level` being set to `0:new user`. This was discussed in a forum thread [here](https://forum.torproject.net/t/disable-akismet-anti-spam-plugin/80). ## Issues There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, [File][] or [search][] for issues in the [team issue tracker][search]. [File]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/new [search]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues ## Maintainer, users, and upstream Upstream and service maintainers are [Discourse](mailto:team@discourse.org). This service is available publicly for the benefit of the entire Tor community. The forum is administered by the service admins which are lavamind, hiro, gus and duncan. ## Monitoring and testing At present TPA does not monitor `forum.discourse.net` in any way. ## Logs and metrics Some logs and metrics are recorded by Discourse. Details are available in their [privacy policy](https://www.discourse.org/privacy). ## Backups This service is hosted by Discourse.org which handle creating and storing backups for the forum: > Off-site backups are created every 12 hours when hosted by Discourse. To access an off-site backup, or to restore an uploaded backup, please [contact us](mailto:team@discourse.org). Manual backups can still be created and downloaded by TPA via this [page](https://forum.torproject.net/admin/backups) on the admin interface. ## Other documentation * https://meta.discourse.org/ # Discussion ## Overview <!-- describe the overall project. should include a link to a ticket --> <!-- that has a launch checklist --> <!-- if this is an old project being documented, summarize the known --> <!-- issues with the project. to quote the "audit procedure": 5. When was the last security review done on the project? What was the outcome? Are there any security issues currently? Should it have another security review? 6. When was the last risk assessment done? Something that would cover risks from the data stored, the access required, etc. 7. Are there any in-progress projects? Technical debt cleanup? Migrations? What state are they in? What's the urgency? What's the next steps? 8. What urgent things need to be done on this project? --> ## Goals <!-- include bugs to be fixed --> ### Must have ### Nice to have ### Non-Goals ## Approvals required <!-- for example, legal, "vegas", accounting, current maintainer --> ## Proposed Solution ## Cost ## Alternatives considered <!-- include benchmarks and procedure if relevant -->