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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    Add a new family-specific syntax for tor_addr_parse_mask_ports · 2eb7eafc
    Nick Mathewson authored
    By default, "*" means "All IPv4 addresses" with
    tor_addr_parse_mask_ports, so I won't break anything.  But if the new
    EXTENDED_STAR flag is provided, then * means "any address", *4 means
    "any IPv4 address" (that is,, and "*6" means "any IPv6
    address" (that is, [::]/0).
    This is going to let us have a syntax for specifying exit policies in
    torrc that won't drive people mad.
    Also, add a bunch of unit tests for tor_addr_parse_mask_ports to test
    these new features, and to increase coverage.