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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    "How about 'never'? Does 'never' work for you?" · 652e1899
    Nick Mathewson authored
    Weasel says circuit_get_by_conn is his main timesink.  Most of its
    users were just checking whether OR conns had circuits, so add a
    circuit count to OR conns, and check that. One was
    circuit_about_to_close_conn, which was doing an O(n^2) series of calls
    to get all circs on an OR conn, so make an O(n) function for that.
    Finally, circuit_get_by_edge_conn was using it as a sanity test that
    has been around for a while but never found any actualy insanity, so
    kill that.
    circuit_get_by_conn is finally dead, which is good, since it was never
    sane to begin with.