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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    Make Tor work with OpenSSL 0.9.8l · ce0a89e2
    Nick Mathewson authored
    To fix a major security problem related to incorrect use of
    SSL/TLS renegotiation, OpenSSL has turned off renegotiation by
    default.  We are not affected by this security problem, however,
    since we do renegotiation right.  (Specifically, we never treat a
    renegotiated credential as authenticating previous communication.)
    Nevertheless, OpenSSL's new behavior requires us to explicitly
    turn renegotiation back on in order to get our protocol working
    Amusingly, this is not so simple as "set the flag when you create
    the SSL object" , since calling connect or accept seems to clear
    the flags.
    For belt-and-suspenders purposes, we clear the flag once the Tor
    handshake is done.  There's no way to exploit a second handshake
    either, but we might as well not allow it.