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  • Sachin's avatar
    for #7225, Changed strictMode thread penalty to dialog on startup and back to... · 74948cb3
    Sachin authored
    for #7225, Changed strictMode  thread penalty to dialog on startup and back to logs after startup is done. (#10831)
    for #7225, refactored and cleanup the branch.
    for #7225, change strict mode policy only on main process.
    for #7225, setting thread policy inside a seperate thread to keep it from getting overridden in activities.
    for #7225 removed Handler().postAtFrontOfQueue as a solution due to unknown side effects. moved the enableStrictMode function to be static so we can reuse it.
    for #7225 lint check
    for #7225 created strict mode manager and moved enabledStrictMode function inside it.
    for #7225 removed penalty death on network
    for #7225 added allow disk access on thread for already existing violation
    strict mode running in main process to see if it passes the gitlab check, will revert it if it doesnt
    allowed diskread for super.onCreate for home activity
    added comments for disk violation oncreate homeactivity
    added fragment manager inside strictmode manager
    allowed disk read for onboarding
    allowed disk read for cachedTopSites