- Merged
- 3
- Approved
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- Merged
- Approved
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feat(deps): update ghcr.io/renovatebot/renovate docker tag to v39.75.0 0 of 1 checklist item completedtpo/tpa/renovate-cron!1312updated
Do not run all CI jobs for scheduled jobs 5 of 18 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser!1323 tor-browser-128.5.0esr-14.5-1
- Merged
- 3
- Approved
updated -
Run the `update-translations` jobs independent of others 4 of 18 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser!1324 tor-browser-128.5.0esr-14.5-1
- Merged
- 3
- Approved
updated -
Adjust bridge settings semantics for search results 4 of 18 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser!1322 tor-browser-128.5.0esr-14.5-2
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency marshmallow to v3.23.2 0 of 1 checklist item completedtpo/onion-services/onion-launchpad!166
- Merged
- Approved
updated -
Bug 41340: Update kick_devmole_build script with Mullvad's new GitHub workflow endpoint 7 of 15 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser-build!1120
- Merged
- 5
- Approved
updated -
tpo/core/onionmasq!352 VPN pre-alpha 09
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
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tpo/core/onionmasq!351 VPN pre-alpha 09
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
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tpo/core/onionmasq!353 VPN pre-alpha 09
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
fix(deps): update ghcr.io/renovatebot/renovate docker tag to v39.75.1 0 of 1 checklist item completedtpo/tpa/renovate-cron!1313updated
Rebased MB after the patchset health work 2 of 16 checklist items completedtpo/applications/mullvad-browser!151 mullvad-browser-128.5.0esr-14.5-2
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- 1
- Approved
updated -
Bug 43024: Switch nightlies over to re-ordered -2 branch 4 of 15 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser-build!1121
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- Approved
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Add CDN77 meek bridge 7 of 15 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser-build!1119
- Merged
- 10
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Bug 41338: Add CDN77 meek bridge line 4 of 15 checklist items completedtpo/applications/tor-browser-build!1122
- Merged
- 1
- 1
- Approved
updated -
tpo/anti-censorship/lox!310 testingupdated