### This file is used to override options from rbm.conf to adapt them
### to your local setup.
### Copy this file as rbm.local.conf to enable it, and uncomment the
### options you want to modify.

### The tmp_dir option defines where temporary files are stored.
### You should modify this if your /tmp partition is small.
#tmp_dir: /tmp

### The debug option defines whether a debugging shell should be opened
### automatically in the build directory/container in case of build
### failure. If you are doing automated builds, you might want to disable
### this.
#debug: 0

### If you are doing multiple builds in different directories on the
### same host, you should define docker_image_prefix with a different
### value for each build directory, so that the different builds don't
### use the same docker image names.
#docker_image_prefix: tor-browser_XXXXX

  local_conf: 1

  ### The var/sign_build option defines if you want to sign the
  ### sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt file with gpg.
  #sign_build: 1

  ### The var/sign_build_gpg_opts option can be used to define some gpg
  ### options to select the key to use to sign the sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt
  ### file.
  #sign_build_gpg_opts: '--local-user XXXXXXXX'

# vim: filetype=yaml sw=2