Drop or replace turtles
It just crossed my mind that we don't have anything tracking this. Lets fix that.
Mike lacks either the time or interest in maintaining turtles. He'd like to hand it off to somebody, but the status quo is not ok. We have a directory authority that's so unmaintained I've given up even reporting problems with it any longer.
We need to do one of the following...
a. Find a new maintainer for turtles. b. Replace turtles with another authority. c. Just drop it from the authority list.
Option 'c' is obviously the easiest, but I suspect we'd rather 'a' or 'b' to maintain the odd authority count.
This issue isn't of terribly great urgency, but it has persisted for the better part of a year so we should finally track and fix it.
Cheers! -Damian