Make sure we have test coverage for Option, +Option and /Option across defaults, torrc, command line
The tor man page says:
By default, an option on the command line overrides an option found in the configuration file, and an option in a configuration file overrides one in the defaults file.
This rule is simple for options that take a single value, but it can become complicated for options that are allowed to occur more than once: if you specify four SocksPorts in your configuration file, and one more SocksPort on the command line, the option on the command line will replace all of the SocksPorts in the configuration file. If this isn’t what you want, prefix the option name with a plus sign (+), and it will be appended to the previous set of options instead. For example, setting SocksPort 9100 will use only port 9100, but setting +SocksPort 9100 will use ports 9100 and 9050 (because this is the default).
Alternatively, you might want to remove every instance of an option in the configuration file, and not replace it at all: you might want to say on the command line that you want no SocksPorts at all. To do that, prefix the option name with a forward slash (/). You can use the plus sign (+) and the forward slash (/) in the configuration file and on the command line.
Where are our tests for this specification, and do they have the coverage we need to test this refactor?