CID 1454761: wrong type passed to unlock_cb_buf()?
Maybe it should be void *cb_buf[]
CID 1454761: Incorrect expression (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
/src/lib/err/backtrace.c: 107 in unlock_cb_buf()
101 }
103 /** Unlock the static stack pointer buffer. */
104 static void
105 unlock_cb_buf(void *cb_buf)
106 {
CID 1454761: Incorrect expression (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
Passing argument "cb_buf" of type "void *" and argument "2048UL /* 256 * sizeof (void *) */" to function "memset" is suspicious.
107 memset(cb_buf, 0, SIZEOF_CB_BUF);
108 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cb_buf_mutex);
109 }