assert in refetching v2 rend desc
Reported by nwf on irc:
650 DEBUG conn_read_callback(): socket 7 wants to read. 650 DEBUG connection_handle_listener_read(): Connection accepted on socket 10 (child of fd 7). 650 DEBUG connection_add(): new conn type Socks, socket 10, n_conns 6. 650 DEBUG conn_read_callback(): socket 10 wants to read. 650 DEBUG read_to_chunk(): Read 41 bytes. 41 on inbuf. 650 DEBUG connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered. 650 DEBUG fetch_from_buf_socks(): socks4: Everything is here. Success. 650 STREAM 2 NEW 0 eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion:80 SOURCE_ADDR= 650 DEBUG connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Client asked for eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion:80 650 INFO connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Got a hidden service request for ID 'eqt5g4fuenphqinx' 650 INFO connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Unknown descriptor eqt5g4fuenphqinx. Fetching. 650 DEBUG rend_client_refetch_v2_renddesc(): Fetching v2 rendezvous descriptor for service eqt5g4fuenphqinx 650 DEBUG directory_initiate_command(): anonymized 1, use_begindir 1. 650 DEBUG directory_initiate_command(): Initiating hidden-service v2 descriptor fetch 650 INFO connection_ap_make_link(): Making internal anonymized tunnel to ... 650 DEBUG connection_add(): new conn type Socks, socket -1, n_conns 7. 650 STREAM 3 NEW 0$5C3EC3DC1CD0E64016BA7C6ED308C98379645967.exit:443 SOURCE_ADDR=(Tor_internal):0 650 WARN Requested exit point '$5C3EC3DC1CD0E64016BA7C6ED308C98379645967' is not known. Closing. 650 STREAM 3 FAILED 0$5C3EC3DC1CD0E64016BA7C6ED308C98379645967.exit:443 REASON=CANT_ATTACH 650 WARN Making tunnel to dirserver failed. 650 INFO directory_get_from_hs_dir(): Sending fetch request for v2 descriptor for service 'eqt5g4fuenphqinx' with descriptor ID 'pejeujtytbl2uiuya6ixtcgmii5qgv46' to hidden service directory 'blutmagie' on port 80. 650 INFO rend_client_refetch_renddesc(): Fetching rendezvous descriptor for service "eqt5g4fuenphqinx" 650 DEBUG directory_initiate_command(): anonymized 1, use_begindir 1. 650 DEBUG directory_initiate_command(): Initiating hidden-service descriptor fetch 650 INFO connection_ap_make_link(): Making internal anonymized tunnel to ... 650 DEBUG connection_add(): new conn type Socks, socket -1, n_conns 8. 650 STREAM 4 NEW 0$847B1F850344D7876491A54892F904934E4EB85D.exit:443 SOURCE_ADDR=(Tor_internal):0 650 WARN Requested exit point '$847B1F850344D7876491A54892F904934E4EB85D' is not known. Closing. 650 STREAM 4 FAILED 0$847B1F850344D7876491A54892F904934E4EB85D.exit:443 REASON=CANT_ATTACH 650 WARN Making tunnel to dirserver failed. 650 INFO connection_edge_process_inbuf(): data from edge while in 'waiting for rendezvous desc' state. Leaving it on buffer. 650 DEBUG conn_close_if_marked(): Cleaning up connection (fd -1). 650 STREAM 3 CLOSED 0$5C3EC3DC1CD0E64016BA7C6ED308C98379645967.exit:443 REASON=CANT_ATTACH 650 DEBUG connection_remove(): removing socket -1 (type Socks), n_conns now 8 650 INFO _connection_free(): Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for circuit] with 0 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf. 650+NS r tor26 hHsfhQNE14dkkaVIkvkEk05OuF0 K9cFUCJz2k01fxgI9/CgaOzaID0 2008-04-01 23:36:04 443 80 s Authority Fast Named Stable V2Dir Valid . 650 OK 650 DEBUG conn_close_if_marked(): Cleaning up connection (fd -1). 650 STREAM 4 CLOSED 0$847B1F850344D7876491A54892F904934E4EB85D.exit:443 REASON=CANT_ATTACH 650 DEBUG connection_remove(): removing socket -1 (type Socks), n_conns now 7 650 INFO _connection_free(): Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for circuit] with 0 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf. 650+NS r blutmagie XD7D3BzQ5kAWunxu0wjJg3lkWWc IKLuwxRgB/abDds0UHeo0MSZQIk 2008-04-02 10:40:23 443 80 s Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Unnamed V2Dir Valid . 650 OK 650 ERR Bug: rendclient.c:426: rend_client_refetch_v2_renddesc: Assertion strlen(query) == REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN_BASE32 failed; aborting.
[Automatically added by flyspray2trac: Operating System: All]