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  • teor's avatar
    New TestingDirAuthVote{Exit,Guard,HSDir}IsStrict flags · 359faf5e
    teor authored
    "option to prevent guard,exit,hsdir flag assignment"
    "A node will never receive the corresponding flag unless
    that node is specified in the
    TestingDirAuthVote{Exit,Guard,HSDir} list, regardless of
    its uptime, bandwidth, exit policy, or DirPort".
    Patch modified by "teor": VoteOnHidServDirectoriesV2
    is now obsolete, so TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir always
    votes on HSDirs.
    Closes ticket 14882. Patch by "robgjansen".
    Commit message and changes file by "teor"
    with quotes from "robgjansen".