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  • David Goulet's avatar
    dirauth: Resume sending 503 directory error code · 6d9113d2
    David Goulet authored
    Authorities were never sending back 503 error code because by design they
    should be able to always answer directory requests regardless of bandwidth
    However, that recently backfired because of a large number of requests from
    unknown source using the DirPort that are _not_ getting their 503 code which
    overloaded the DirPort leading to the authority to be unable to answer to its
    fellow authorities.
    This is not a complete solution to the problem but it will help ease off the
    load on the authority side by sending back 503 codes *unless* the connection
    is from a known relay or an authority.
    Fixes #33029
    Signed-off-by: David Goulet's avatarDavid Goulet <>