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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    New UserspaceIOCPBuffers option to set SO_{SND,RCV}BUF to zero · 6e6a6612
    Nick Mathewson authored
    When running with IOCP, we are in theory able to use userspace-
    allocated buffers to avoid filling up the stingy amount of kernel
    space allocated for sockets buffers.
    The bufferevent_async implementation in Libevent provides this
    ability, in theory.  (There are likely to be remaining bugs).  This
    patch adds a new option that, when using IOCP bufferevents, sets
    each socket's send and receive buffers to 0, so that we should use
    this ability.
    When all the bugs are worked out here, if we are right about bug 98,
    this might solve or mitigate bug 98.
    This option is experimental and will likely require lots of testing
    and debugging.