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  • Nick Mathewson's avatar
    When excluding nodes by country, exclude {??} and {A1} too · ff9bdbd5
    Nick Mathewson authored
    This is ticket 7706, reported by "bugcatcher."  The rationale here
    is that if somebody says 'ExcludeNodes {tv}', then they probably
    don't just want to block definitely Tuvaluan nodes: they also want
    to block nodes that have unknown country, since for all they know
    such nodes are also in Tuvalu.
    This behavior is controlled by a new GeoIPExcludeUnknown autobool
    option.  With the default (auto) setting, we exclude ?? and A1 if
    any country is excluded.  If the option is 1, we add ?? and A1
    unconditionally; if the option is 0, we never add them.
    (Right now our geoip file doesn't actually seem to include A1: I'm
    including it here in case it comes back.)
    This feature only takes effect if you have a GeoIP file.  Otherwise
    you'd be excluding every node.