From 7a0964279fafc9912ed5cc4b82abfb81328f5150 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Mathewson <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 10:42:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Functionality to ensure there is space to add files to cache.

 src/common/storagedir.c | 10 +++++
 src/common/storagedir.h |  1 +
 src/or/conscache.c      | 13 +++++++
 src/or/conscache.h      |  1 +
 src/or/consdiffmgr.c    | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 106 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/common/storagedir.c b/src/common/storagedir.c
index 9d3c32e237..309d42db17 100644
--- a/src/common/storagedir.c
+++ b/src/common/storagedir.c
@@ -530,3 +530,13 @@ storage_dir_remove_all(storage_dir_t *d)
   return storage_dir_shrink(d, 0, d->max_files);
+ * Return the largest number of non-temporary files we're willing to
+ * store in <b>d</b>.
+ */
+storage_dir_get_max_files(storage_dir_t *d)
+  return d->max_files;
diff --git a/src/common/storagedir.h b/src/common/storagedir.h
index 781194407f..db25057e65 100644
--- a/src/common/storagedir.h
+++ b/src/common/storagedir.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ int storage_dir_shrink(storage_dir_t *d,
                        uint64_t target_size,
                        int min_to_remove);
 int storage_dir_remove_all(storage_dir_t *d);
+int storage_dir_get_max_files(storage_dir_t *d);
diff --git a/src/or/conscache.c b/src/or/conscache.c
index 7760d1315b..5ffa129bbe 100644
--- a/src/or/conscache.c
+++ b/src/or/conscache.c
@@ -399,6 +399,19 @@ consensus_cache_unmap_lazy(consensus_cache_t *cache, time_t cutoff)
+ * Return the number of currently unused filenames available in this cache.
+ */
+consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(consensus_cache_t *cache)
+  tor_assert(cache);
+  int max = storage_dir_get_max_files(cache->dir);
+  int used = smartlist_len(storage_dir_list(cache->dir));
+  tor_assert_nonfatal(max >= used);
+  return max - used;
  * Delete every element of <b>cache</b> has been marked with
  * consensus_cache_entry_mark_for_removal.  If <b>force</b> is false,
diff --git a/src/or/conscache.h b/src/or/conscache.h
index ea27733df6..aef54201f0 100644
--- a/src/or/conscache.h
+++ b/src/or/conscache.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ int consensus_cache_register_with_sandbox(consensus_cache_t *cache,
 void consensus_cache_unmap_lazy(consensus_cache_t *cache, time_t cutoff);
 void consensus_cache_delete_pending(consensus_cache_t *cache,
                                     int force);
+int consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(consensus_cache_t *cache);
 consensus_cache_entry_t *consensus_cache_add(consensus_cache_t *cache,
                                              const config_line_t *labels,
                                              const uint8_t *data,
diff --git a/src/or/consdiffmgr.c b/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
index 1f3915f6e8..ba52650a60 100644
--- a/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
+++ b/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ static consdiff_cfg_t consdiff_cfg = {
   /* .cache_max_num = */ 128
+static int consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(int n);
 static int consensus_diff_queue_diff_work(consensus_cache_entry_t *diff_from,
                                           consensus_cache_entry_t *diff_to);
 static void consdiffmgr_set_cache_flags(void);
@@ -413,6 +414,8 @@ consdiffmgr_add_consensus(const char *consensus,
   /* We don't have it. Add it to the cache. */
+  consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(1);
     size_t bodylen = strlen(consensus);
     config_line_t *labels = NULL;
@@ -852,6 +855,82 @@ consdiffmgr_rescan(void)
   cdm_cache_dirty = 0;
+ * Helper: compare two files by their from-valid-after and valid-after labels,
+ * trying to sort in ascending order by from-valid-after (when present) and
+ * valid-after (when not).  Place everything that has neither label first in
+ * the list.
+ */
+static int
+compare_by_staleness_(const void **a, const void **b)
+  const consensus_cache_entry_t *e1 = *a;
+  const consensus_cache_entry_t *e2 = *b;
+  const char *va1, *fva1, *va2, *fva2;
+  va1 = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(e1, LABEL_VALID_AFTER);
+  va2 = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(e2, LABEL_VALID_AFTER);
+  fva1 = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(e1, LABEL_FROM_VALID_AFTER);
+  fva2 = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(e2, LABEL_FROM_VALID_AFTER);
+  if (fva1)
+    va1 = fva1;
+  if (fva2)
+    va2 = fva2;
+  /* See note about iso-encoded values in compare_by_valid_after_.  Also note
+   * that missing dates will get placed first. */
+  return strcmp_opt(va1, va2);
+/** If there are not enough unused filenames to store <b>n</b> files, then
+ * delete old consensuses until there are.  (We have to keep track of the
+ * number of filenames because of the way that the seccomp2 cache works.)
+ *
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ **/
+static int
+consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(int n)
+  consensus_cache_t *cache = cdm_cache_get();
+  if (consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(cache) >= n) {
+    // there are already enough unused filenames.
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Try a cheap deletion of stuff that's waiting to get deleted.
+  consensus_cache_delete_pending(cache, 0);
+  if (consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(cache) >= n) {
+    // okay, _that_ made enough filenames available.
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Let's get more assertive: clean out unused stuff, and force-remove
+  // the files.
+  consdiffmgr_cleanup();
+  consensus_cache_delete_pending(cache, 1);
+  const int n_to_remove = n - consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(cache);
+  if (n_to_remove <= 0) {
+    // okay, finally!
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // At this point, we're going to have to throw out objects that will be
+  // missed.  Too bad!
+  smartlist_t *objects = smartlist_new();
+  consensus_cache_find_all(objects, cache, NULL, NULL);
+  smartlist_sort(objects, compare_by_staleness_);
+  int n_marked = 0;
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(objects, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) {
+    consensus_cache_entry_mark_for_removal(ent);
+    if (++n_marked >= n_to_remove)
+      break;
+  consensus_cache_delete_pending(cache, 1);
+  if (BUG(n_marked < n_to_remove))
+    return -1;
+  else
+    return 0;
  * Set consensus cache flags on the objects in this consdiffmgr.
@@ -1066,6 +1145,8 @@ consensus_diff_worker_replyfn(void *work_)
     /* Success! Store the results */
     log_info(LD_DIRSERV, "Adding consensus diff from %s to %s",
              lv_from_digest, lv_to_digest);
+    consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(1);
     consensus_cache_entry_t *ent =
       consensus_cache_add(cdm_cache_get(), job->labels_out,