diff --git a/changes/bug6605 b/changes/bug6605
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92fac1954bdc671339666a0c8f7fdb1437329ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/bug6605
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  o Major bugfixes:
+    - Raise the default BandwidthRate/BandwidthBurst values from 1MB/5MB
+      to 1GB/1GB. The previous defaults were intended to be "basically
+      infinite", but it turns out they're now limiting our 100mbit+
+      relays and bridges. Fixes bug 6605; bugfix on (the
+      last time we raised it).
diff --git a/doc/tor.1.txt b/doc/tor.1.txt
index cae9bf338e143d075a1ef5219ac138492129f83e..cf5945df11250e392747d4b44314a61764a7117a 100644
--- a/doc/tor.1.txt
+++ b/doc/tor.1.txt
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ GENERAL OPTIONS
     the specified number of bytes per second, and the average outgoing
     bandwidth usage to that same value.  If you want to run a relay in the
     public network, this needs to be _at the very least_ 30 KB (that is,
-    30720 bytes). (Default: 5 MB)
+    30720 bytes). (Default: 1 GB)
 **BandwidthBurst** __N__ **bytes**|**KB**|**MB**|**GB**::
     Limit the maximum token bucket size (also known as the burst) to the given
-    number of bytes in each direction. (Default: 10 MB)
+    number of bytes in each direction. (Default: 1 GB)
 **MaxAdvertisedBandwidth** __N__ **bytes**|**KB**|**MB**|**GB**::
     If set, we will not advertise more than this amount of bandwidth for our
diff --git a/src/or/config.c b/src/or/config.c
index 7dd4539d4be9d8ef487cdd968090fa0229c0cce1..61fd99342f65e3b183481d4914a9f1ef46b5d1d6 100644
--- a/src/or/config.c
+++ b/src/or/config.c
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ static config_var_t _option_vars[] = {
   V(AutomapHostsOnResolve,       BOOL,     "0"),
   V(AutomapHostsSuffixes,        CSV,      ".onion,.exit"),
   V(AvoidDiskWrites,             BOOL,     "0"),
-  V(BandwidthBurst,              MEMUNIT,  "10 MB"),
-  V(BandwidthRate,               MEMUNIT,  "5 MB"),
+  V(BandwidthBurst,              MEMUNIT,  "1 GB"),
+  V(BandwidthRate,               MEMUNIT,  "1 GB"),
   V(BridgeAuthoritativeDir,      BOOL,     "0"),
   VAR("Bridge",                  LINELIST, Bridges,    NULL),
   V(BridgePassword,              STRING,   NULL),