Make Lox Bridge Table more robust
Related to onyinyang/lox#2, the Lox bridge table currently relies on bucket and key vectors that grow indefinitely and have a 1:1 mapping by vector index and uses indices in these vectors to preserve the state of the bridge table. This is probably fine for a small number of resources that will not frequently change. However, for our use case, we expect the number of bridges available to fluctuate somewhat frequently--at least with new bridges being added/updated and existing bridges becoming blocked on a regular basis. Additionally, with possible failures at the point of either the distributor, or rdsys, it is possible that things could get out of sync which could create chaos for all Lox users. For our use case, it does not make sense to maintain several indefinitely growing vectors that must be kept in sync by the indices at which resources are stored. Instead, we could keep tables in a database for each different resource of the bridge table, that can be referenced by some unique identifier.