Release tar.gz file is not available and "go build" possibly not work on armhf
on 6.1.28+ armv7l GNU/Linux
$ cd /mnt/tmpfs;git clone && cd snowflake/proxy;go build
Cloning into 'snowflake'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 6098, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (199/199), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (114/114), done.
remote: Total 6098 (delta 83), reused 194 (delta 83), pack-reused 5899
Receiving objects: 100% (6098/6098), 2.64 MiB | 3.70 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4117/4117), done.
go: downloading v1.16.0
go: downloading v3.0.1
/home/user/go/pkg/mod/ package crypto/ecdh is not in GOROOT (/usr/lib/go-1.15/src/crypto/ecdh)
user@host /mnt/tmpfs/snowflake/proxy $ ls
lib main.go
And when i copy latest release .tar.gz file link and try to download it: $ cd /mnt/tmpfs/ && wget
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
Can you fix that 404 file please, or if you have idea how to allow build on mine mentioned system?
In the meantime, i have tried to "go built" on a different (also Debian based - 5.10.0-20-amd64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) computer and copied resulting "proxy" directory to 6.1.28+ armv7l GNU/Linux computer: scp -r ../proxy/ user@
Yet it does not launch it: /home/user/snowflake/proxy/proxy: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Building using "GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build" mentioned in my previous issue and copying to othr computer also end in "Exec format error". On source, it launch ./proxy OK.