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  • Mugurell's avatar
    Closes #8209 - Use new onTouchEventForResult GV api · ece60436
    Mugurell authored
    - previously NestedGV#onTouchEvent event would call onTouchEventForResult where
    we would make possible the integration of GV in CoordinatorLayout.
    Since NestedGV#onTouchEvent does not anymore call onTouchEventForResult I've
    moved all code in onTouchEvent and then call onTouchEventForResult only for
    ACTION_DOWN events as snorp recommended.
    - we now must wait for onTouchEventForResult#GeckoResult<Int> and only then
    call startNestedScroll(..) since otherwise when executing that method in
    BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior we would return false since the MotionEvent is
    at that time unhandled.
    - only dispatch startNestedScroll and dispatchNestedPreScroll if GV returned
    - Ignored "ClickableViewAccessibility" since NestedGeckoView is not intented
    to be clickable, but rather the elements from the webpage displayed.
    In testing I saw most of the times GeckoResult resolves in < 5ms with bigger
    timeouts showing a logarithmic growth. As such I think the change should be
    imperceptible to users.