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  • Jeff Boek's avatar
    For #1063: Put tab tray behind a feature flag and hidden pref (#10313) · a8a90bd4
    Jeff Boek authored
    * For #1063 - Adds feature flag and pref for new tab tray
    * For #1063 - Swaps add tab to tab tray button when newTabTray is enabled
    * For #1063 - Creates hidden preference to use new tab tray
    * For #1063 - Hides tabs on home screen when setting is enabled
    * For #1063 - Navigate to new tab tray from browser with setting enabled
    * For #1063 - Fixes regression where we dont show the new tab message with no tabs and no collections
    * For #1063 - Fixes crash when toggling to private mode on the home screen
    * For #1063 - combines both settings. Cleans up lint errors