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  • isabelrios's avatar
    Changes to run tests on beta builds (#16786) · d8584ed6
    isabelrios authored
    * Changes to run tests on beta builds
    * remove dontoptime and fix bookmarks tests
    * fix ktlint and smokeTest
    * add variable for package name
    * rebase and fix conflicts
    * add yml files and modify script to run tests
    * fix yml file indentation
    * changes in kind file and add try_task
    * fix error kind file
    * fix error kind file 2
    * fix error kind file 3
    * fix reviewer comments
    * remove mockwebserver implementation as per reviewer comment
    * run beta tests only on releases branches
    * reg exp for master branch
    * reg exp for master branch2
    * modify try_task with release branch
    * remove try file
    * let's start by running only one test
    * address latest reviewers comments
    * double check correct tasks for release branch
    * remove try file after confirming beta build run
    Co-authored-by: default avatarisabel rios <isabelrios@MBP-de-isabel-2.home>