From 16170f25a6c8bd8d9e58055a959ba90d389e7946 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Holbert <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 18:08:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1797840: Replace stray tab characters with spaces in IDL
 files throughout the tree.

DONTBUILD because this is just whitespace cleanup.

I found the files to fix up here using this command:
    grep -r '   ' * 2>/dev/null | grep -v "other-licenses" | grep "idl:"

I replaced the tab characters with however many spaces seemed consistent with
the indentation in the surrounding code (and did some minor space-indentation
cleanup in contextual lines to preserve alignment, in a few cases).

Differential Revision:
 docshell/base/nsIContentViewerEdit.idl        |  34 +--
 docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl         | 260 +++++++++---------
 docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl        | 186 ++++++-------
 editor/composer/nsIEditingSession.idl         |   2 +-
 intl/uconv/nsITextToSubURI.idl                |   4 +-
 js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl |  30 +-
 js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl     |   2 +-
 netwerk/base/nsIStreamTransportService.idl    |   2 +-
 parser/html/nsIParserUtils.idl                |   8 +-
 .../browser/nsIPrintPreviewNavigation.idl     |   8 +-
 toolkit/components/find/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl |   2 +-
 .../glean/xpcom/nsIGleanMetrics.idl           |   8 +-
 .../passwordmgr/nsILoginManager.idl           |   2 +-
 .../passwordmgr/nsILoginManagerStorage.idl    |   2 +-
 uriloader/base/nsCURILoader.idl               |   4 +-
 widget/nsISound.idl                           |   2 +-
 xpcom/base/nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl          |   2 +-
 xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl                      |   4 +-
 xpcom/ds/nsIObserverService.idl               |   2 +-
 xpcom/threads/nsIProcess.idl                  |   6 +-
 20 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docshell/base/nsIContentViewerEdit.idl b/docshell/base/nsIContentViewerEdit.idl
index 01b6f478063af..551222bbc25d5 100644
--- a/docshell/base/nsIContentViewerEdit.idl
+++ b/docshell/base/nsIContentViewerEdit.idl
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ webidl Node;
 [scriptable, uuid(35BE2D7E-F29B-48EC-BF7E-80A30A724DE3)]
 interface nsIContentViewerEdit : nsISupports
-	void clearSelection();
-	void selectAll();
+  void clearSelection();
+  void selectAll();
-	void copySelection();
-	readonly attribute boolean copyable;
+  void copySelection();
+  readonly attribute boolean copyable;
-	void copyLinkLocation();
-	readonly attribute boolean inLink;
+  void copyLinkLocation();
+  readonly attribute boolean inLink;
-	const long COPY_IMAGE_TEXT = 0x0001;
-	const long COPY_IMAGE_HTML = 0x0002;
-	const long COPY_IMAGE_DATA = 0x0004;
-	const long COPY_IMAGE_ALL = -1;
-	void copyImage(in long aCopyFlags);
-	readonly attribute boolean inImage;
+  const long COPY_IMAGE_TEXT = 0x0001;
+  const long COPY_IMAGE_HTML = 0x0002;
+  const long COPY_IMAGE_DATA = 0x0004;
+  const long COPY_IMAGE_ALL = -1;
+  void copyImage(in long aCopyFlags);
+  readonly attribute boolean inImage;
-	AString getContents(in string aMimeType, in boolean aSelectionOnly);
-	readonly attribute boolean canGetContents;
+  AString getContents(in string aMimeType, in boolean aSelectionOnly);
+  readonly attribute boolean canGetContents;
-	// Set the node that will be the subject of the editing commands above.
-	// Usually this will be the node that was context-clicked.
-	void setCommandNode(in Node aNode);
+  // Set the node that will be the subject of the editing commands above.
+  // Usually this will be the node that was context-clicked.
+  void setCommandNode(in Node aNode);
diff --git a/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl b/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl
index ea34cef74b3a0..a80373832faf2 100644
--- a/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl
+++ b/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl
@@ -22,136 +22,136 @@ webidl BrowsingContext;
 [scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(9b7c586f-9214-480c-a2c4-49b526fff1a6)]
 interface nsIDocShellTreeItem : nsISupports
-	/*
-	name of the DocShellTreeItem
-	*/
-	attribute AString name;
-        /**
-         * Compares the provided name against the item's name and
-         * returns the appropriate result.
-         *
-         * @return <CODE>PR_TRUE</CODE> if names match;
-         *         <CODE>PR_FALSE</CODE> otherwise.
-         */
-        boolean nameEquals(in AString name);
-	/*
-	Definitions for the item types.
-	*/
-	const long typeChrome=0;            // typeChrome must equal 0
-	const long typeContent=1;           // typeContent must equal 1
-	const long typeContentWrapper=2;    // typeContentWrapper must equal 2
-	const long typeChromeWrapper=3;     // typeChromeWrapper must equal 3
-	const long typeAll=0x7FFFFFFF;
-	/*
-	The type this item is.
-	*/
-	readonly attribute long itemType;
-	[noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] long ItemType();
-	/*
-	Parent DocShell.
-	@deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` instead.
-	(NOTE: `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` will not cross isolation boundaries)
-	*/
-	[binaryname(InProcessParent)]
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem parent;
-	/*
-	This getter returns the same thing parent does however if the parent
-	is of a different itemType, or if the parent is an <iframe mozbrowser>.
-	It will instead return nullptr.  This call is a convience function for
-	Ithose wishing to not cross the boundaries at which item types change.
-	@deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` instead.
-	*/
-	[binaryname(InProcessSameTypeParent)]
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem sameTypeParent;
-	/*
-	Returns the root DocShellTreeItem.  This is a convience equivalent to
-	getting the parent and its parent until there isn't a parent.
-	@deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::Top()` instead.
-	(NOTE: `BrowsingContext::Top()` will not cross isolation boundaries)
-	*/
-	[binaryname(InProcessRootTreeItem)]
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem rootTreeItem;
-	/*
-	Returns the root DocShellTreeItem of the same type.  This is a convience
-	equivalent to getting the parent of the same type and its parent until
-	there isn't a parent.
-	@deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::Top()` instead.
-	*/
-	[binaryname(InProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem)]
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem sameTypeRootTreeItem;
-	/*
-	The owner of the DocShell Tree.  This interface will be called upon when
-	the docshell has things it needs to tell to the owner of the docshell.
-	Note that docShell tree ownership does not cross tree types.  Meaning
-	setting ownership on a chrome tree does not set ownership on the content
-	sub-trees.  A given tree's boundaries are identified by the type changes.
-	Trees of different types may be connected, but should not be traversed
-	for things such as ownership.
-	Note implementers of this interface should NOT effect the lifetime of the
-	parent DocShell by holding this reference as it creates a cycle.  Owners
-	when releasing this interface should set the treeOwner to nullptr.
-	Implementers of this interface are guaranteed that when treeOwner is
-	set that the poitner is valid without having to addref.
-	Further note however when others try to get the interface it should be
-	addref'd before handing it to them.
-	*/
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeOwner treeOwner;
-	[noscript] void setTreeOwner(in nsIDocShellTreeOwner treeOwner);
-	/*
-	The current number of DocShells which are immediate children of the
-	this object.
-	@deprecated: Prefer using `BrowsingContext::Children()`, as this count will
-	not include out-of-process iframes.
-	*/
-	[binaryname(InProcessChildCount), infallible]
-	readonly attribute long childCount;
-	/*
-	Add a new child DocShellTreeItem.  Adds to the end of the list.
-	Note that this does NOT take a reference to the child.  The child stays
-	alive only as long as it's referenced from outside the docshell tree.
-	@throws NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE if child corresponds to the same
-	        object as this treenode or an ancestor of this treenode
-	@throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if this node is a leaf in the tree.
-	*/
-	[noscript] void addChild(in nsIDocShellTreeItem child);
-	/*
-	Removes a child DocShellTreeItem.
-	@throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if this node is a leaf in the tree.
-	*/
-	[noscript] void removeChild(in nsIDocShellTreeItem child);
-	/**
-	 * Return the child at the index requested.  This is 0-based.
-	 *
-	 * @deprecated: Prefer using `BrowsingContext::Children()`, as this will not
-	 * include out-of-process iframes.
-	 *
-	 * @throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if the index is out of range
-	 */
-	[binaryname(GetInProcessChildAt)]
-	nsIDocShellTreeItem getChildAt(in long index);
+  /*
+  name of the DocShellTreeItem
+  */
+  attribute AString name;
+  /**
+   * Compares the provided name against the item's name and
+   * returns the appropriate result.
+   *
+   * @return <CODE>PR_TRUE</CODE> if names match;
+   *         <CODE>PR_FALSE</CODE> otherwise.
+   */
+  boolean nameEquals(in AString name);
+  /*
+  Definitions for the item types.
+  */
+  const long typeChrome=0;            // typeChrome must equal 0
+  const long typeContent=1;           // typeContent must equal 1
+  const long typeContentWrapper=2;    // typeContentWrapper must equal 2
+  const long typeChromeWrapper=3;     // typeChromeWrapper must equal 3
+  const long typeAll=0x7FFFFFFF;
+  /*
+  The type this item is.
+  */
+  readonly attribute long itemType;
+  [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] long ItemType();
+  /*
+  Parent DocShell.
+  @deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` instead.
+  (NOTE: `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` will not cross isolation boundaries)
+  */
+  [binaryname(InProcessParent)]
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem parent;
+  /*
+  This getter returns the same thing parent does however if the parent
+  is of a different itemType, or if the parent is an <iframe mozbrowser>.
+  It will instead return nullptr.  This call is a convience function for
+  Ithose wishing to not cross the boundaries at which item types change.
+  @deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::GetParent()` instead.
+  */
+  [binaryname(InProcessSameTypeParent)]
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem sameTypeParent;
+  /*
+  Returns the root DocShellTreeItem.  This is a convience equivalent to
+  getting the parent and its parent until there isn't a parent.
+  @deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::Top()` instead.
+  (NOTE: `BrowsingContext::Top()` will not cross isolation boundaries)
+  */
+  [binaryname(InProcessRootTreeItem)]
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem rootTreeItem;
+  /*
+  Returns the root DocShellTreeItem of the same type.  This is a convience
+  equivalent to getting the parent of the same type and its parent until
+  there isn't a parent.
+  @deprecated: Use `BrowsingContext::Top()` instead.
+  */
+  [binaryname(InProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem)]
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem sameTypeRootTreeItem;
+  /*
+  The owner of the DocShell Tree.  This interface will be called upon when
+  the docshell has things it needs to tell to the owner of the docshell.
+  Note that docShell tree ownership does not cross tree types.  Meaning
+  setting ownership on a chrome tree does not set ownership on the content
+  sub-trees.  A given tree's boundaries are identified by the type changes.
+  Trees of different types may be connected, but should not be traversed
+  for things such as ownership.
+  Note implementers of this interface should NOT effect the lifetime of the
+  parent DocShell by holding this reference as it creates a cycle.  Owners
+  when releasing this interface should set the treeOwner to nullptr.
+  Implementers of this interface are guaranteed that when treeOwner is
+  set that the poitner is valid without having to addref.
+  Further note however when others try to get the interface it should be
+  addref'd before handing it to them.
+  */
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeOwner treeOwner;
+  [noscript] void setTreeOwner(in nsIDocShellTreeOwner treeOwner);
+  /*
+  The current number of DocShells which are immediate children of the
+  this object.
+  @deprecated: Prefer using `BrowsingContext::Children()`, as this count will
+  not include out-of-process iframes.
+  */
+  [binaryname(InProcessChildCount), infallible]
+  readonly attribute long childCount;
+  /*
+  Add a new child DocShellTreeItem.  Adds to the end of the list.
+  Note that this does NOT take a reference to the child.  The child stays
+  alive only as long as it's referenced from outside the docshell tree.
+  @throws NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE if child corresponds to the same
+          object as this treenode or an ancestor of this treenode
+  @throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if this node is a leaf in the tree.
+  */
+  [noscript] void addChild(in nsIDocShellTreeItem child);
+  /*
+  Removes a child DocShellTreeItem.
+  @throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if this node is a leaf in the tree.
+  */
+  [noscript] void removeChild(in nsIDocShellTreeItem child);
+  /**
+   * Return the child at the index requested.  This is 0-based.
+   *
+   * @deprecated: Prefer using `BrowsingContext::Children()`, as this will not
+   * include out-of-process iframes.
+   *
+   * @throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED if the index is out of range
+   */
+  [binaryname(GetInProcessChildAt)]
+  nsIDocShellTreeItem getChildAt(in long index);
    * BrowsingContext associated with the DocShell.
diff --git a/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl b/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl
index 5d54172739f0c..01673583eb8be 100644
--- a/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl
+++ b/docshell/base/nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl
@@ -17,97 +17,97 @@ webidl BrowsingContext;
 [scriptable, uuid(0e3dc4b1-4cea-4a37-af71-79f0afd07574)]
 interface nsIDocShellTreeOwner : nsISupports
-	/**
-	 * Called when a content shell is added to the docshell tree.  This is
-	 * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
-	 * chrome shell).
-	 *
-	 * @param aContentShell the shell being added.
-	 * @param aPrimary whether the shell is primary.
-	 */
-	void contentShellAdded(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell,
-	                       in boolean aPrimary);
-	/**
-	 * Called when a content shell is removed from the docshell tree.  This is
-	 * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
-	 * chrome shell).  Note that if aContentShell was never added,
-	 * contentShellRemoved should just do nothing.
-	 *
-	 * @param aContentShell the shell being removed.
-	 */
-	void contentShellRemoved(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell);
-	/*
-	Returns the Primary Content Shell
-	*/
-	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem primaryContentShell;
-	void remoteTabAdded(in nsIRemoteTab aTab, in boolean aPrimary);
-	void remoteTabRemoved(in nsIRemoteTab aTab);
-	/*
-	In multiprocess case we may not have primaryContentShell but
-	primaryRemoteTab.
-	 */
-	readonly attribute nsIRemoteTab primaryRemoteTab;
-	/*
-	Get the BrowsingContext associated with either the primary content shell or
-	primary remote tab, depending on which is available.
-	*/
-	readonly attribute BrowsingContext primaryContentBrowsingContext;
-	/*
-	Tells the tree owner to size its window or parent window in such a way
-	that the shell passed along will be the size specified.
-	*/
-	[can_run_script]
-	void sizeShellTo(in nsIDocShellTreeItem shell, in long cx, in long cy);
-	/*
-	Gets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
-	for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
-	*/
-	void getPrimaryContentSize(out long width, out long height);
-	/*
-	Sets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
-	for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
-	*/
-	void setPrimaryContentSize(in long width, in long height);
-	/*
-	Gets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
-	*/
-	void getRootShellSize(out long width, out long height);
-	/*
-	Sets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
-	*/
-	void setRootShellSize(in long width, in long height);
-	/*
-	Sets the persistence of different attributes of the window.
-	*/
-	void setPersistence(in boolean aPersistPosition,
-                            in boolean aPersistSize,
-                            in boolean aPersistSizeMode);
-	/*
-	Gets the current persistence states of the window.
-	*/
-	void getPersistence(out boolean aPersistPosition,
-                            out boolean aPersistSize,
-                            out boolean aPersistSizeMode);
-	/*
-	Gets the number of tabs currently open in our window, assuming
-	this tree owner has such a concept.
-	*/
-	readonly attribute unsigned long tabCount;
-	/*
-	Returns true if there is a primary content shell or a primary
-	remote tab.
-	*/
-	readonly attribute bool hasPrimaryContent;
+  /**
+   * Called when a content shell is added to the docshell tree.  This is
+   * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
+   * chrome shell).
+   *
+   * @param aContentShell the shell being added.
+   * @param aPrimary whether the shell is primary.
+   */
+  void contentShellAdded(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell,
+                         in boolean aPrimary);
+  /**
+   * Called when a content shell is removed from the docshell tree.  This is
+   * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
+   * chrome shell).  Note that if aContentShell was never added,
+   * contentShellRemoved should just do nothing.
+   *
+   * @param aContentShell the shell being removed.
+   */
+  void contentShellRemoved(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell);
+  /*
+  Returns the Primary Content Shell
+  */
+  readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem primaryContentShell;
+  void remoteTabAdded(in nsIRemoteTab aTab, in boolean aPrimary);
+  void remoteTabRemoved(in nsIRemoteTab aTab);
+  /*
+  In multiprocess case we may not have primaryContentShell but
+  primaryRemoteTab.
+   */
+  readonly attribute nsIRemoteTab primaryRemoteTab;
+  /*
+  Get the BrowsingContext associated with either the primary content shell or
+  primary remote tab, depending on which is available.
+  */
+  readonly attribute BrowsingContext primaryContentBrowsingContext;
+  /*
+  Tells the tree owner to size its window or parent window in such a way
+  that the shell passed along will be the size specified.
+  */
+  [can_run_script]
+  void sizeShellTo(in nsIDocShellTreeItem shell, in long cx, in long cy);
+  /*
+  Gets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
+  for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
+  */
+  void getPrimaryContentSize(out long width, out long height);
+  /*
+  Sets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
+  for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
+  */
+  void setPrimaryContentSize(in long width, in long height);
+  /*
+  Gets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
+  */
+  void getRootShellSize(out long width, out long height);
+  /*
+  Sets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
+  */
+  void setRootShellSize(in long width, in long height);
+  /*
+  Sets the persistence of different attributes of the window.
+  */
+  void setPersistence(in boolean aPersistPosition,
+                          in boolean aPersistSize,
+                          in boolean aPersistSizeMode);
+  /*
+  Gets the current persistence states of the window.
+  */
+  void getPersistence(out boolean aPersistPosition,
+                          out boolean aPersistSize,
+                          out boolean aPersistSizeMode);
+  /*
+  Gets the number of tabs currently open in our window, assuming
+  this tree owner has such a concept.
+  */
+  readonly attribute unsigned long tabCount;
+  /*
+  Returns true if there is a primary content shell or a primary
+  remote tab.
+  */
+  readonly attribute bool hasPrimaryContent;
diff --git a/editor/composer/nsIEditingSession.idl b/editor/composer/nsIEditingSession.idl
index a26b0add2570f..556eac7c4a99d 100644
--- a/editor/composer/nsIEditingSession.idl
+++ b/editor/composer/nsIEditingSession.idl
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ interface nsIEditingSession : nsISupports
    *  Get the editor for this window. May return null
-	nsIEditor getEditorForWindow(in mozIDOMWindowProxy window);
+  nsIEditor getEditorForWindow(in mozIDOMWindowProxy window);
    *   Destroy editor and related support objects
diff --git a/intl/uconv/nsITextToSubURI.idl b/intl/uconv/nsITextToSubURI.idl
index 2b7598cc325fa..3bb404e414835 100644
--- a/intl/uconv/nsITextToSubURI.idl
+++ b/intl/uconv/nsITextToSubURI.idl
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 [scriptable, uuid(8B042E24-6F87-11d3-B3C8-00805F8A6670)]
 interface nsITextToSubURI : nsISupports
-	ACString ConvertAndEscape(in ACString charset, in AString text);
-	AString UnEscapeAndConvert(in ACString charset, in ACString text);
+  ACString ConvertAndEscape(in ACString charset, in AString text);
+  AString UnEscapeAndConvert(in ACString charset, in ACString text);
    * Unescapes the given URI fragment (for UI purpose only)
diff --git a/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl b/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl
index cbecaa08e39f1..9822b24dfb1d4 100644
--- a/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl
+++ b/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
 #include "nsISupports.idl"
- *	This defines the interface for a test object.
+ * This defines the interface for a test object.
 [scriptable, uuid(42fbd9f6-b12d-47ef-b7a1-02d73c11fe53)]
 interface nsIXPCTestObjectReadOnly : nsISupports {
-	readonly attribute string  strReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute boolean boolReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute short   shortReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute long    longReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute float   floatReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute char    charReadOnly;
-	readonly attribute PRTime  timeReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute string  strReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute boolean boolReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute short   shortReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute long    longReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute float   floatReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute char    charReadOnly;
+    readonly attribute PRTime  timeReadOnly;
 [scriptable, uuid(f07529b0-a479-4954-aba5-ab3142c6b1cb)]
 interface nsIXPCTestObjectReadWrite : nsISupports {
-	attribute string  stringProperty;
-	attribute boolean booleanProperty;
-	attribute short   shortProperty;
-	attribute long    longProperty;
-	attribute float   floatProperty;
-	attribute char    charProperty;
-	attribute PRTime  timeProperty;
+    attribute string  stringProperty;
+    attribute boolean booleanProperty;
+    attribute short   shortProperty;
+    attribute long    longProperty;
+    attribute float   floatProperty;
+    attribute char    charProperty;
+    attribute PRTime  timeProperty;
diff --git a/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl b/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl
index 11d201fa1fb57..70b7f8fae7c51 100644
--- a/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl
+++ b/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "nsISupports.idl"
- *	This defines the interface for a test object.
+ * This defines the interface for a test object.
diff --git a/netwerk/base/nsIStreamTransportService.idl b/netwerk/base/nsIStreamTransportService.idl
index 9d09741703eb8..3a1c5a42390ee 100644
--- a/netwerk/base/nsIStreamTransportService.idl
+++ b/netwerk/base/nsIStreamTransportService.idl
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ interface nsIStreamTransportService : nsISupports
 interface nsIInputAvailableCallback : nsISupports
   void onInputAvailableComplete(in unsigned long long available,
-			        in nsresult available_return_code);
+                                in nsresult available_return_code);
diff --git a/parser/html/nsIParserUtils.idl b/parser/html/nsIParserUtils.idl
index 5e1d7aad45e72..a8027a83fb491 100644
--- a/parser/html/nsIParserUtils.idl
+++ b/parser/html/nsIParserUtils.idl
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ interface nsIParserUtils : nsISupports
    * @param element the context node for the fragment parsing algorithm
   DocumentFragment parseFragment(in AString fragment,
-				 in unsigned long flags,
-				 in boolean isXML,
-				 in nsIURI baseURI,
-				 in Element element);
+                                 in unsigned long flags,
+                                 in boolean isXML,
+                                 in nsIURI baseURI,
+                                 in Element element);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/browser/nsIPrintPreviewNavigation.idl b/toolkit/components/browser/nsIPrintPreviewNavigation.idl
index cd1c85225c043..2a7676265d65e 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/browser/nsIPrintPreviewNavigation.idl
+++ b/toolkit/components/browser/nsIPrintPreviewNavigation.idl
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ interface nsIPrintPreviewNavigation  : nsISupports
    * Return - PR_TRUE if success
-  boolean	nextPage();
+  boolean nextPage();
    * Preview the previous Page
    * Return - PR_TRUE if success
-  boolean	previousPage();
+  boolean previousPage();
    * Go to a page to preview
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ interface nsIPrintPreviewNavigation  : nsISupports
    * aPageNumber - Page to go preview
    * Return - PR_TRUE if success
-  boolean	goToPage(unsigned long aPageNumber);
+  boolean goToPage(unsigned long aPageNumber);
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ interface nsIPrintPreviewNavigation  : nsISupports
    * aNumPages - number of pages to skip including the current page. Neg. goes back
    * Return - true if success
-  boolean	skipPages(long aNumPages);
+  boolean skipPages(long aNumPages);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/find/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl b/toolkit/components/find/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl
index 1a78ea7269a02..f06941329c3e0 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/find/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl
+++ b/toolkit/components/find/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ interface nsIWebBrowserFind : nsISupports
      * @return  Whether an occurrence was found
-	boolean		findNext();
+    boolean findNext();
      * searchString
diff --git a/toolkit/components/glean/xpcom/nsIGleanMetrics.idl b/toolkit/components/glean/xpcom/nsIGleanMetrics.idl
index 6b95de00e72b8..d62e962f9af1d 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/glean/xpcom/nsIGleanMetrics.idl
+++ b/toolkit/components/glean/xpcom/nsIGleanMetrics.idl
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ interface nsIGleanTimingDistribution : nsISupports
    * @return value of the stored metric, or undefined if there is no value.
-	jsval testGetValue([optional] in ACString aPingName);
+  jsval testGetValue([optional] in ACString aPingName);
    * **Test-only API**
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ interface nsIGleanMemoryDistribution : nsISupports
    * Notes: Values bigger than 1 Terabyte (2^40 bytes) are truncated and an
    * InvalidValue error is recorded.
-	void accumulate(in uint64_t aSample);
+  void accumulate(in uint64_t aSample);
    * **Test-only API**
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ interface nsIGleanMemoryDistribution : nsISupports
    * @return value of the stored metric, or undefined if there is no value.
-	jsval testGetValue([optional] in ACString aPingName);
+  jsval testGetValue([optional] in ACString aPingName);
 [scriptable, uuid(45cc016f-c1d5-4d54-aaa5-a802cf65f23b)]
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ interface nsIGleanPing : nsISupports
    * @param aReason - Optional. The reason the ping is being submitted.
    *                  Must match one of the configured `reason_codes`.
-	void submit([optional] in ACString aReason);
+  void submit([optional] in ACString aReason);
    * **Test-only API**
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManager.idl b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManager.idl
index 1d5700e35c654..77a20536b023f 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManager.idl
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManager.idl
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ interface nsILoginManager : nsISupports {
    * @return An array of nsILoginInfo objects.
   Array<nsILoginInfo> findLogins(in AString aOrigin, in AString aActionOrigin,
-				 in AString aHttpRealm);
+                                 in AString aHttpRealm);
    * Search for logins matching the specified criteria, as with
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManagerStorage.idl b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManagerStorage.idl
index 1584e70f4ff07..8792b144ec507 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManagerStorage.idl
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/nsILoginManagerStorage.idl
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ interface nsILoginManagerStorage : nsISupports {
    * @return An array of nsILoginInfo objects.
   Array<nsILoginInfo> findLogins(in AString aOrigin, in AString aActionOrigin,
-				 in AString aHttpRealm);
+                                 in AString aHttpRealm);
    * Search for logins matching the specified criteria, as with
diff --git a/uriloader/base/nsCURILoader.idl b/uriloader/base/nsCURILoader.idl
index b77422abe94e6..205355fd178a0 100644
--- a/uriloader/base/nsCURILoader.idl
+++ b/uriloader/base/nsCURILoader.idl
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ nsIURILoader
 %{ C++
-#define NS_CONTENT_HANDLER_CONTRACTID               ";1"
  * A category where content listeners can register. The name of the entry must
diff --git a/widget/nsISound.idl b/widget/nsISound.idl
index b2adcc0fc10d1..8b4a2f29c00bf 100644
--- a/widget/nsISound.idl
+++ b/widget/nsISound.idl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ interface nsISound : nsISupports
     * Not strictly necessary, but avoids delay before first sound.
     * The various methods on nsISound call Init() if they need to.
-	*/
+    */
   void init();
diff --git a/xpcom/base/nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl b/xpcom/base/nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl
index aa40dfaf4d11f..a19d7a954ed7b 100644
--- a/xpcom/base/nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl
+++ b/xpcom/base/nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ interface nsIInterfaceRequestor : nsISupports
     * @throws NS_NOINTERFACE - interface not accessible.
     * @throws NS_ERROR* - method failure.
-	void getInterface(in nsIIDRef uuid,
+    void getInterface(in nsIIDRef uuid,
                       [iid_is(uuid),retval] out nsQIResult result);
diff --git a/xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl b/xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl
index 6fd1508dfdd9e..abc5e1f6be5f8 100644
--- a/xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl
+++ b/xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ interface nsIObserver : nsISupports {
     *                    subject event.
     void observe( in nsISupports aSubject,
-				  in string      aTopic,
-				  in wstring     aData );
+                  in string      aTopic,
+                  in wstring     aData );
diff --git a/xpcom/ds/nsIObserverService.idl b/xpcom/ds/nsIObserverService.idl
index 27c179f0aa025..07ac716c23458 100644
--- a/xpcom/ds/nsIObserverService.idl
+++ b/xpcom/ds/nsIObserverService.idl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ interface nsIObserverService : nsISupports
      * @param aTopic   : The notification topic or subject.
-	nsISimpleEnumerator enumerateObservers( in string aTopic );
+    nsISimpleEnumerator enumerateObservers( in string aTopic );
diff --git a/xpcom/threads/nsIProcess.idl b/xpcom/threads/nsIProcess.idl
index 88c1d75d448be..c15ded7a2fdd7 100644
--- a/xpcom/threads/nsIProcess.idl
+++ b/xpcom/threads/nsIProcess.idl
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ interface nsIProcess : nsISupports
    * @param count      The length of the args array.
   void runw(in boolean blocking, [array, size_is(count)] in wstring args,
-	    in unsigned long count);
+            in unsigned long count);
    * Executes the file this object was initialized with optionally calling
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ interface nsIProcess : nsISupports
    * @param holdWeak   Whether to use a weak reference to hold the observer.
   void runwAsync([array, size_is(count)] in wstring args,
-		 in unsigned long count,
-		 [optional] in nsIObserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdWeak);
+                 in unsigned long count,
+                 [optional] in nsIObserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdWeak);
    * When set to true the process will not open a new window when started and