diff --git a/accessible/tests/browser/mac/browser_text_basics.js b/accessible/tests/browser/mac/browser_text_basics.js
index 651bd7523f4de0cada75898501e7db02fbc28629..e4f0bbfa1833e17cc35016438fa9cad69044ae31 100644
--- a/accessible/tests/browser/mac/browser_text_basics.js
+++ b/accessible/tests/browser/mac/browser_text_basics.js
@@ -250,22 +250,6 @@ addAccessibleTask("mac/doc_textmarker_test.html", async (browser, accDoc) => {
     return content.wrappedJSObject.EXPECTED;
-  // XXX Merge these changes into doc_textmarker_test.html.
-  expectedValues[231].words[1] = "Skip'";
-  expectedValues[248].lines[1] = "These ";
-  expectedValues[252].lines[1] = "are ";
-  expectedValues[255].lines[1] = "my ";
-  expectedValues[261].words[0] = expectedValues[261].words[1] = "awards,";
-  expectedValues[263].lines[1] = "awards, ";
-  expectedValues[269].words[0] = expectedValues[269].words[1] = "Mother.";
-  expectedValues[271].lines[1] = "Mother. ";
-  expectedValues[276].lines[1] = "From ";
-  expectedValues[269].paragraph = "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.";
-  expectedValues[283].words[0] = "deceived";
-  expectedValues[295].paragraph = "I deceived you, mom.";
-  expectedValues[295].words[0] = "";
-  expectedValues[297].words[0] = " ";
   testMarkerIntegrity(accDoc, expectedValues);
diff --git a/accessible/tests/browser/mac/doc_textmarker_test.html b/accessible/tests/browser/mac/doc_textmarker_test.html
index 340e06ed59f459d787cd9bf3d3b8b50f2972b287..10b68b511451efffe829e1fc1f452e6e6c856176 100644
--- a/accessible/tests/browser/mac/doc_textmarker_test.html
+++ b/accessible/tests/browser/mac/doc_textmarker_test.html
@@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@
           lines: ["Do not order the Skip's Scramble",
                   "Do not order the Skip's Scramble",
                   "Do not order the Skip's Scramble"],
-          words: ["Skip'", "'"],
+          words: ["Skip'", "Skip'"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "Do not order the Skip's Scramble",
                     "Do not order the Skip's Scramble"] },
@@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["are ", "are ", "are "],
+          lines: ["are ", "These ", "are "],
           words: [" ", "are"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2111,7 +2111,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["my ", "my ", "my "],
+          lines: ["my ", "are ", "my "],
           words: [" ", "my"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["awards, ", "awards, ", "awards, "],
+          lines: ["awards, ", "my ", "awards, "],
           words: [" ", "awards,"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           lines: ["awards, ", "awards, ", "awards, "],
-          words: ["awards,", "awards, "],
+          words: ["awards,", "awards,"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
@@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["Mother. ", "Mother. ", "Mother. "],
+          lines: ["Mother. ", "awards, ", "Mother. "],
           words: [" ", "Mother."],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2231,7 +2231,7 @@
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           lines: ["Mother. ", "Mother. ", "Mother. "],
-          words: ["Mother.", "Mother. "],
+          words: ["Mother.", "Mother."],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
@@ -2244,7 +2244,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["From ", "From ", "From "],
+          lines: ["From ", "Mother. ", "From "],
           words: [" ", "From"],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2279,7 +2279,7 @@
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army."] },
         { style: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
           paragraph: "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
-          lines: ["Army.", "Army.", "Army."],
+          lines: ["Army.", "From ", "Army."],
           words: [" ", "Army."],
           element: ["AXStaticText",
                     "These are my awards, Mother. From Army.",
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@
         { style: "I ",
           paragraph: "deceived you",
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-          words: [" ", "deceived"],
+          words: ["deceived", "deceived"],
           element: ["AXStaticText", "I ", "I "] },
         { style: "deceived you",
           paragraph: "deceived you",
@@ -2385,9 +2385,9 @@
           words: ["you", "you"],
           element: ["AXTextField", "deceived you", "deceived you"] },
         { style: "deceived you",
-          paragraph: "deceived you",
+          paragraph: "I deceived you, mom.",
           lines: ["I deceived you, mom.", "I deceived you, mom.", "I deceived you, mom."],
-          words: ["you", ""],
+          words: ["", ""],
           element: ["AXTextField", "deceived you", "deceived you"] },
         { style: ", mom.",
           paragraph: "I deceived you, mom.",
@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@
         { style: ", mom.",
           paragraph: "I deceived you, mom.",
           lines: ["I deceived you, mom.", "I deceived you, mom.", "I deceived you, mom."],
-          words: [", ", "mom."],
+          words: [" ", "mom."],
           element: ["AXStaticText", ", mom.", ", mom."] },
         { style: ", mom.",
           paragraph: "I deceived you, mom.",