The Help->'About Torbrowser' window is Firefox-specific and uses Mozilla logos and links
- The Firefox logo should be replaced by the Tor Browser logo.
- The large word Firefox should be replaced with TorBrowser.
- The text is wrong. Perhaps 'The TorBrowser is designed by The Tor
Project, based upon the Firefox browser, to keep you in control of your
privacy and anonymity online.'
- The link to 'tor project' should link to
- 'Get Involved?' should link to
- The 'Licensing Information' text and link should be replaced with
'Questions?' which points to
- The 'End User Rights' text and link should be replaced with 'Help
Tor Grow!' which points to
- The 'Privacy Policy' text and link needs to be removed.
- The light grey text at the bottom about the Mozilla/Firefox trademarks
should be replaced with '"Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered
trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.'