rend_handshake: retry up to `hs_service_max_rdv_failures`.
13:00 <+nickm> second question is about when services connect to a rendezvous
point. If their first attempt to connect to a rend point fails,
does the service retry, or does it assume the client will send
another introduce message?
13:01 <+dgoulet> it does retry and there is a cap on that... which might be
even a consensus param, give me a sec to check
13:01 <+dgoulet> "hs_service_max_rdv_failures" -- This parameter determines
13:01 <+dgoulet> maximum number of rendezvous attempt an HS service can
make per
13:01 <+dgoulet> introduction.
13:01 <+dgoulet> Min 1. Max 10. Default 2.
13:01 <+dgoulet> First-appeared:
13:01 <+nickm> ack
13:01 <+dgoulet> which FYI, dirauth are voting this at the moment:
13:02 <+dgoulet> (we brought it down during the DoS)