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Arti 1.1.8

The current crate versions are:
hashx:           0.1.1
equix:           0.1.1
tor-basic-utils: 0.7.4
tor-async-utils: 0.1.4
caret:           0.4.4
fs-mistrust:     0.7.4
safelog:         0.3.4
retry-error:     0.5.1
tor-error:       0.5.4
tor-config:      0.9.4
tor-events:      0.5.4
tor-units:       0.6.4
tor-geoip:       0.1.2
tor-rtcompat:    0.9.4
tor-rtmock:      0.9.1
tor-rpcbase:     0.1.4
tor-llcrypto:    0.5.4
tor-protover:    0.5.4
tor-bytes:       0.7.4
tor-hscrypto:    0.3.2
tor-hspow:       0.1.1
tor-socksproto:  0.7.4
tor-checkable:   0.5.4
tor-cert:        0.7.4
tor-linkspec:    0.8.3
tor-cell:        0.12.2
tor-proto:       0.12.1
tor-netdoc:      0.8.3
tor-consdiff:    0.5.5
tor-netdir:      0.9.4
tor-congestion:  0.5.4
tor-persist:     0.7.4
tor-chanmgr:     0.10.1
tor-ptmgr:       0.5.0
tor-guardmgr:    0.10.1
tor-circmgr:     0.10.1
tor-dirclient:   0.9.0
tor-dirmgr:      0.11.1
tor-keymgr:      0.2.1
tor-hsclient:    0.4.1
tor-hsservice:   0.2.4
arti-client:     0.10.1
arti-rpcserver:  0.2.2
arti-config:     0.6.4
arti-hyper:      0.10.2
arti:            1.1.8
arti-bench:      0.8.8
arti-testing:    0.8.8

				* * *

    Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl,
    And, half-suspected, animate the whole.

       —Sydney Smith, Recipe for Salad Dressing,
	as quoted in Lady Holland's _Memoir_,
        Volume I, p. 426. Ed. 3d.

   ("Scarce suspected" in several versions.)

   (from wikiquote)