diff --git a/src/feature/dirauth/voteflags.c b/src/feature/dirauth/voteflags.c
index 71ee03e265a362fcc3c49419f65c6456db84255b..2fbac47b300305a6023d525423b0582ea55ed35c 100644
--- a/src/feature/dirauth/voteflags.c
+++ b/src/feature/dirauth/voteflags.c
@@ -112,8 +112,7 @@ dirserv_thinks_router_is_unreliable(time_t now,
 /** Return 1 if <b>ri</b>'s descriptor is "active" -- running, valid,
- * not hibernating, having observed bw greater 0, and not too old. Else
- * return 0.
+ * not hibernating, and not too old. Else return 0.
 static int
 router_is_active(const routerinfo_t *ri, const node_t *node, time_t now)
@@ -125,20 +124,6 @@ router_is_active(const routerinfo_t *ri, const node_t *node, time_t now)
   if (!node->is_running || !node->is_valid || ri->is_hibernating) {
     return 0;
-  /* Only require bandwidth capacity in non-test networks, or
-   * if TestingTorNetwork, and TestingMinExitFlagThreshold is non-zero */
-  if (!ri->bandwidthcapacity) {
-    if (get_options()->TestingTorNetwork) {
-      if (dirauth_get_options()->TestingMinExitFlagThreshold > 0) {
-        /* If we're in a TestingTorNetwork, and TestingMinExitFlagThreshold is,
-         * then require bandwidthcapacity */
-        return 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      /* If we're not in a TestingTorNetwork, then require bandwidthcapacity */
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
   return 1;