tor's systemd service should SIGHUP tor on resume/thaw after sleep/hibernate
I very often need to SIGHUP my tor process after reopening my laptop after the new guard algorithm was merged (I had to also do so before, but now it's seemingly worse), and I hear from other users who are more technically-inclined that there experience is the same. Humans doing things computers can do is bad UX. I propose, at the very least, on *nix systems that we modify the systemd .service
file(s) we already distribute to do this for the human. (We should also figure out some equivalent for MacOS, Windows, and mobile, if possible, but those can be separate tickets.)
From reading this question that femme linked me to, it looks like the way to do it is either a script which gets installed into /lib/systemd/system-sleep/
, or a second .service
file that is wanted by
. I'm not sure which is cleaner? I would assume the .service
file approach is cleaner, because then it can be selectively enabled/disabled by the human more easily.