Man tor - BridgeDistribution option description lack infos
In the man tor page, the description of the option "BridgeDistribution" mention only the arguments "none" and "any", but if we refer to the source code at the file "feature/relay/relay_config.c" at line 670-716, the fonction "check_bridge_distribution_settings()" also mention that "https", "email" and "moat" are possible values. We should add to the description of the "BridgeDistribution" option in the man tor page that the arguments "https", "email" and "moat" can also be specify, in addition to "none" and "any".
On a related note, but for a different issue, does it make sense for a bridge to be distributed in more than one method at the same time, because as of now, we can only specifiy one method of distribution ? For exemple, should we be able to insert "BridgeDistribution https,email" in "/etc/tor/torrc" ?