Implement Conflux in C-Tor (Proposal 329)
This is the parent ticket to cover implementation of Conflux (
Here's the task breakdown:
Negotiation (Nick and David)
Protover Advertisement for Relays (24h) (#40721 (closed)) -
Link cell parsing + handling (8h) (#40723 (closed)) -
Exit circuit linking (only pre-emptive circuits) (20h)
Path Usage
Ensure paths do not share guards+middles (1h) -
Maintain pre-linked circuit pool (16h)
Sequencing and Reordering (Mike and David)
Relay header alterations (24h) -
Reorder queues (likely at edge conn layer) (24h) -
OOM handling (4h)
Scheduling Algorithms (Mike)
LowRTT (24h) -
BLEST (40h)
Resumption (Mike)
Sequence tracking and shutdown (no buffering) (24h)
Shadow Evaluation (Mike)
Determine optimum scheduling alg (80h)
Edited by Mike Perry