not helpful warning Sudden increase in circuit RTT (1557538 vs 91), likely due to clock jump.
I've two relays running at a same dedicated hardware under a stable hardened Gentoo:
$ tor --version
Tor version (git-b733f9d6ace63c71).
Tor is running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1o, Zlib 1.2.12, Liblzma 5.2.5, Libzstd 1.5.2 and Glibc 2.34 as libc.
Tor compiled with GCC version 11.3.0
One of them suddenly spewed at 04:12 UTC
Sudden increase in circuit RTT (1557538 vs 91), likely due to clock jump.
following by
Our clock has been stalled for the entire lifetime of a circuit. Performance may be sub-optimal. [164 similar message(s) suppressed in last 360 seconds]
every 5 or 6 minutes since that (the time period oscillates between 300 and 360 seconds of that message).
The other relay with same version at the same ip is running flawlessly.