/* Copyright 2001,2002,2003 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ /** * /file config.c * * /brief Code to parse and interpret configuration files. * **/ #include "or.h" #ifdef MS_WINDOWS #include <shlobj.h> #endif /** Enumeration of types which option values can take */ typedef enum config_type_t { CONFIG_TYPE_STRING = 0, /**< An arbitrary string. */ CONFIG_TYPE_INT, /**< An integer */ CONFIG_TYPE_DOUBLE, /**< A floating-point value */ CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, /**< A boolean value, expressed as 0 or 1. */ CONFIG_TYPE_CSV, /**< A list of strings, separated by commas and optional * whitespace. */ CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, /**< Uninterpreted config lines */ } config_type_t; /** Largest allowed config line */ #define CONFIG_LINE_T_MAXLEN 4096 static struct config_line_t *config_get_commandlines(int argc, char **argv); static int config_get_lines(FILE *f, struct config_line_t **result); static void config_free_lines(struct config_line_t *front); static int config_compare(struct config_line_t *c, const char *key, config_type_t type, void *arg); static int config_assign(or_options_t *options, struct config_line_t *list); /** Helper: Read a list of configuration options from the command line. */ static struct config_line_t *config_get_commandlines(int argc, char **argv) { struct config_line_t *new; struct config_line_t *front = NULL; char *s; int i = 1; while(i < argc-1) { if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-f")) { // log(LOG_DEBUG,"Commandline: skipping over -f."); i+=2; /* this is the config file option. ignore it. */ continue; } new = tor_malloc(sizeof(struct config_line_t)); s = argv[i]; while(*s == '-') s++; new->key = tor_strdup(s); new->value = tor_strdup(argv[i+1]); log(LOG_DEBUG,"Commandline: parsed keyword '%s', value '%s'", new->key, new->value); new->next = front; front = new; i += 2; } return front; } /** Helper: allocate a new configuration option mapping 'key' to 'val', * prepend it to 'front', and return the newly allocated config_line_t */ static struct config_line_t * config_line_prepend(struct config_line_t *front, const char *key, const char *val) { struct config_line_t *newline; newline = tor_malloc(sizeof(struct config_line_t)); newline->key = tor_strdup(key); newline->value = tor_strdup(val); newline->next = front; return newline; } /** Helper: parse the config file and strdup into key/value * strings. Set *result to the list, or NULL if parsing the file * failed. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. Warn and ignore any * misformatted lines. */ static int config_get_lines(FILE *f, struct config_line_t **result) { struct config_line_t *front = NULL; char line[CONFIG_LINE_T_MAXLEN]; int r; char *key, *value; while( (r=parse_line_from_file(line,sizeof(line),f,&key,&value)) > 0) { front = config_line_prepend(front, key, value); } if(r < 0) { *result = NULL; return -1; } else { *result = front; return 0; } } /** * Free all the configuration lines on the linked list <b>front</b>. */ static void config_free_lines(struct config_line_t *front) { struct config_line_t *tmp; while(front) { tmp = front; front = tmp->next; free(tmp->key); free(tmp->value); free(tmp); } } /** Search the linked list <b>c</b> for any option whose key is <b>key</b>. * If such an option is found, interpret it as of type <b>type</b>, and store * the result in <b>arg</b>. If the option is misformatted, log a warning and * skip it. */ static int config_compare(struct config_line_t *c, const char *key, config_type_t type, void *arg) { int i; if(strncasecmp(c->key,key,strlen(c->key))) return 0; if(strcasecmp(c->key,key)) { tor_free(c->key); c->key = tor_strdup(key); } /* it's a match. cast and assign. */ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Recognized keyword '%s' as %s, using value '%s'.",c->key,key,c->value); switch(type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: *(int *)arg = atoi(c->value); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL: i = atoi(c->value); if (i != 0 && i != 1) { log(LOG_WARN, "Boolean keyword '%s' expects 0 or 1", c->key); return 0; } *(int *)arg = i; break; case CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: tor_free(*(char **)arg); *(char **)arg = tor_strdup(c->value); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_DOUBLE: *(double *)arg = atof(c->value); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_CSV: if(*(smartlist_t**)arg == NULL) *(smartlist_t**)arg = smartlist_create(); smartlist_split_string(*(smartlist_t**)arg, c->value, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST: /* Note: this reverses the order that the lines appear in. That's * just fine, since we build up the list of lines reversed in the * first place. */ *(struct config_line_t**)arg = config_line_prepend(*(struct config_line_t**)arg, c->key, c->value); break; } return 1; } /** Iterate through the linked list of options <b>list</b>. * For each item, convert as appropriate and assign to <b>options</b>. * If an item is unrecognized, return -1 immediately, * else return 0 for success. */ static int config_assign(or_options_t *options, struct config_line_t *list) { while(list) { if( /* order matters here! abbreviated arguments use the first match. */ /* string options */ config_compare(list, "Address", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->Address) || config_compare(list, "AllowUnverifiedNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_CSV, &options->AllowUnverifiedNodes) || config_compare(list, "AuthoritativeDirectory",CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->AuthoritativeDir) || config_compare(list, "BandwidthRate", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->BandwidthRate) || config_compare(list, "BandwidthBurst", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->BandwidthBurst) || config_compare(list, "ClientOnly", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->ClientOnly) || config_compare(list, "ContactInfo", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->ContactInfo) || config_compare(list, "DebugLogFile", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->DebugLogFile) || config_compare(list, "DataDirectory", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->DataDirectory) || config_compare(list, "DirPort", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->DirPort) || config_compare(list, "DirBindAddress", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->DirBindAddress) || config_compare(list, "DirFetchPostPeriod",CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->DirFetchPostPeriod) || config_compare(list, "ExitNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->ExitNodes) || config_compare(list, "EntryNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->EntryNodes) || config_compare(list, "StrictExitNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->StrictExitNodes) || config_compare(list, "StrictEntryNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->StrictEntryNodes) || config_compare(list, "ExitPolicy", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->ExitPolicy) || config_compare(list, "ExcludeNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->ExcludeNodes) || config_compare(list, "FascistFirewall",CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->FascistFirewall) || config_compare(list, "FirewallPorts",CONFIG_TYPE_CSV, &options->FirewallPorts) || config_compare(list, "Group", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->Group) || config_compare(list, "HiddenServiceDir", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->RendConfigLines)|| config_compare(list, "HiddenServicePort", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->RendConfigLines)|| config_compare(list, "HiddenServiceNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->RendConfigLines)|| config_compare(list, "HiddenServiceExcludeNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->RendConfigLines)|| config_compare(list, "IgnoreVersion", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->IgnoreVersion) || config_compare(list, "KeepalivePeriod",CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->KeepalivePeriod) || config_compare(list, "LogLevel", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->LogOptions) || config_compare(list, "LogFile", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->LogOptions) || config_compare(list, "LinkPadding", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->LinkPadding) || config_compare(list, "MaxConn", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->MaxConn) || config_compare(list, "MaxOnionsPending",CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->MaxOnionsPending) || config_compare(list, "Nickname", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->Nickname) || config_compare(list, "NewCircuitPeriod",CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->NewCircuitPeriod) || config_compare(list, "NumCpus", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->NumCpus) || config_compare(list, "ORPort", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->ORPort) || config_compare(list, "ORBindAddress", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST, &options->ORBindAddress) || config_compare(list, "OutboundBindAddress",CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->OutboundBindAddress) || config_compare(list, "PidFile", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->PidFile) || config_compare(list, "PathlenCoinWeight",CONFIG_TYPE_DOUBLE, &options->PathlenCoinWeight) || config_compare(list, "RouterFile", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->RouterFile) || config_compare(list, "RunAsDaemon", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->RunAsDaemon) || config_compare(list, "RunTesting", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->RunTesting) || config_compare(list, "RecommendedVersions",CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->RecommendedVersions) || config_compare(list, "RendNodes", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->RendNodes) || config_compare(list, "RendExcludeNodes",CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->RendExcludeNodes) || config_compare(list, "SocksPort", CONFIG_TYPE_INT, &options->SocksPort) || config_compare(list, "SocksBindAddress",CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST,&options->SocksBindAddress) || config_compare(list, "SocksPolicy", CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST,&options->SocksPolicy) || config_compare(list, "TrafficShaping", CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, &options->TrafficShaping) || config_compare(list, "User", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, &options->User) ) { /* then we're ok. it matched something. */ } else { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Unknown keyword '%s'. Failing.",list->key); return -1; } list = list->next; } return 0; } const char default_dirservers_string[] = "router moria1 9001 9021 9031\n" "platform Tor 0.0.6rc1 on Linux moria.mit.edu i686\n" "published 2004-04-25 21:54:28\n" "bandwidth 800000 10000000\n" "onion-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBANoIvHieyHUTzIacbnWOnyTyzGrLOdXqbcjz2GGMxyHEd5K1bO1ZBNHP\n" "9i5qLQpN5viFk2K2rEGuG8tFgDEzSWZEtBqv3NVfUdiumdERWMBwlaQ0MVK4C+jf\n" "y5gZ8KI3o9ZictgPS1AQF+Kk932/vIHTuRIUKb4ILTnQilNvID0NAgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "signing-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBAMHa0ZC/jo2Q2DrwKYF/6ZbmZ27PFYG91u4gUzzmZ/VXLpZ8wNzEV3oW\n" "nt+I61048fBiC1frT1/DZ351n2bLSk9zJbB6jyGZJn0380FPRX3+cXyXS0Gq8Ril\n" "xkhMQf5XuNFUb8UmYPSOH4WErjvYjKvU+gfjbK/82Jo9SuHpYz+BAgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "accept *:20-22\n" "accept *:53\n" "accept *:79-80\n" "accept *:110\n" "accept *:143\n" "accept *:443\n" "accept *:873\n" "accept *:993\n" "accept *:995\n" "accept *:1024-65535\n" "reject *:*\n" "router-signature\n" "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n" "o1eAoRHDAEAXsnh5wN++vIwrupd+DbAJ2p3wxHDrmqxTpygzxxCnyQyhMfX03ua2\n" "4iplyNlwyFwzWcw0sk31otlO2HBYXT1V9G0YxGtKMOeOBMHjfGbUjGvEALHzWi4z\n" "8DXGJp13zgnUyP4ZA6xaGROwcT6oB5e7UlztvvpGxTg=\n" "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n" "\n" "router moria2 9002 9022 9032\n" "platform Tor 0.0.6rc1 on Linux moria.mit.edu i686\n" "published 2004-04-25 21:54:30\n" "bandwidth 800000 10000000\n" "onion-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBAM4Cc/npgYC54XrYLC+grVxJp7PDmNO2DRRJOxKttBBtvLpnR1UaueTi\n" "kyknT5kmlx+ihgZF/jmye//2dDUp2+kK/kSkpRV4xnDLXZmed+sNSQxqmm9TtZQ9\n" "/hjpxhp5J9HmUTYhntBs+4E4CUKokmrI6oRLoln4SA39AX9QLPcnAgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "signing-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBAOcrht/y5rkaahfX7sMe2qnpqoPibsjTSJaDvsUtaNP/Bq0MgNDGOR48\n" "rtwfqTRff275Edkp/UYw3G3vSgKCJr76/bqOHCmkiZrnPV1zxNfrK18gNw2Cxre0\n" "nTA+fD8JQqpPtb8b0SnG9kwy75eS//sRu7TErie2PzGMxrf9LH0LAgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "reject*\n" "accept *:20-22\n" "accept *:53\n" "accept *:79-80\n" "accept *:110\n" "accept *:143\n" "accept *:443\n" "accept *:873\n" "accept *:993\n" "accept *:995\n" "accept *:1024-65535\n" "reject *:*\n" "router-signature\n" "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n" "RKROLwP1ExjTZeg6wuN0pzYqed9IJUd5lAe9hp4ritbnmJAgS6qfww6jgx61CfUR\n" "6SElhOLE7Q77jAdoL45Ji5pn/Y+Q+E+5lJm1E/ed9ha+YsOPaOc7z6GQ7E4mihCL\n" "gI1vsw92+P1Ty4RHj6fyD9DhbV19nh2Qs+pvGJOS2FY=\n" "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n" "\n" "router tor26 9001 9050 9030\n" "platform Tor 0.0.6 on Linux seppia i686\n" "published 2004-05-06 21:33:23\n" "bandwidth 500000 10000000\n" "onion-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBAMEHdDnpj3ik1AF1xe/VqjoguH2DbANifYqXXfempu0fS+tU9FGo6dU/\n" "fnVHAZwL9Ek9k2rMzumShi1RduK9p035R/Gk+PBBcLfvwYJ/Nat+ZO/L8jn/3bZe\n" "ieQd9CKj2LjNGKpRNry37vkwMGIOIlegwK+2us8aXJ7sIvlNts0TAgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "signing-key\n" "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "MIGJAoGBAMQgV2gXLbXgesWgeAsj8P1Uvm/zibrFXqwDq27lLKNgWGYGX2ax3LyT\n" "3nzI1Y5oLs4kPKTsMM5ft9aokwf417lKoCRlZc9ptfRbgxDx90c9GtWVmkrmDvCK\n" "ae59TMoXIiGfZiwWT6KKq5Zm9/Fu2Il3B2vHGkKJYKixmiBJRKp/AgMBAAE=\n" "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n" "accept\n" "accept\n" "accept *:48099\n" "reject *:*\n" "router-signature\n" "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n" "qh/xRoqfLNFzPaB8VdpbdMAwRyuk5qjx4LeLVQ2pDwTZ55PqmG99+VKUNte2WTTD\n" "7dZEA7um2rueohGe4nYmvbhJWr20/I0ZxmWDRDvFy0b5nwzDMGvLvDw95Zu/XJQ2\n" "md32NE3y9VZCfbCN+GlvETX3fdR3Svzcm8Kzesg2/s4=\n" "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n" ; int config_assign_default_dirservers(void) { if(router_load_routerlist_from_string(default_dirservers_string, 1) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Bug: the default dirservers internal string is corrupt."); return -1; } return 0; } /** Set <b>options</b> to a reasonable default. * * Call this function when we can't find any torrc config file. */ static int config_assign_defaults(or_options_t *options) { /* set them up as a client only */ options->SocksPort = 9050; options->AllowUnverifiedNodes = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(options->AllowUnverifiedNodes, "middle"); smartlist_add(options->AllowUnverifiedNodes, "rendezvous"); config_free_lines(options->ExitPolicy); options->ExitPolicy = config_line_prepend(NULL, "ExitPolicy", "reject *:*"); return 0; } /** Print a usage message for tor. */ static void print_usage(void) { printf("tor -f <torrc> [args]\n" "See man page for more options. This -h is probably obsolete.\n\n" "-b <bandwidth>\t\tbytes/second rate limiting\n" "-d <file>\t\tDebug file\n" // "-m <max>\t\tMax number of connections\n" "-l <level>\t\tLog level\n" "-r <file>\t\tList of known routers\n"); printf("\nClient options:\n" "-e \"nick1 nick2 ...\"\t\tExit nodes\n" "-s <IP>\t\t\tPort to bind to for Socks\n" ); printf("\nServer options:\n" "-n <nick>\t\tNickname of router\n" "-o <port>\t\tOR port to bind to\n" "-p <file>\t\tPID file\n" ); } /** * Adjust <b>options</b> to contain a reasonable value for Address. */ int resolve_my_address(const char *address, uint32_t *addr) { struct in_addr in; struct hostent *rent; char hostname[256]; int explicit_ip=1; tor_assert(addr); if(address) { strlcpy(hostname,address,sizeof(hostname)); } else { /* then we need to guess our address */ explicit_ip = 0; /* it's implicit */ if(gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname)) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Error obtaining local hostname"); return -1; } log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Guessed local host name as '%s'",hostname); } /* now we know hostname. resolve it and keep only the IP */ if(tor_inet_aton(hostname, &in) == 0) { /* then we have to resolve it */ explicit_ip = 0; rent = (struct hostent *)gethostbyname(hostname); if (!rent) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Could not resolve local Address %s. Failing.", hostname); return -1; } tor_assert(rent->h_length == 4); memcpy(&in.s_addr, rent->h_addr,rent->h_length); } if(!explicit_ip && is_internal_IP(htonl(in.s_addr))) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Address '%s' resolves to private IP '%s'. " "Please set the Address config option to be the IP you want to use.", hostname, inet_ntoa(in)); return -1; } log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Resolved Address to %s.", inet_ntoa(in)); *addr = ntohl(in.s_addr); return 0; } static char *get_default_nickname(void) { char localhostname[256]; char *cp, *out, *outp; if(gethostname(localhostname,sizeof(localhostname)) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Error obtaining local hostname"); return NULL; } /* Put it in lowercase; stop at the first dot. */ for(cp = localhostname; *cp; ++cp) { if (*cp == '.') { *cp = '\0'; break; } *cp = tolower(*cp); } /* Strip invalid characters. */ cp = localhostname; out = outp = tor_malloc(strlen(localhostname)+1); while (*cp) { if (strchr(LEGAL_NICKNAME_CHARACTERS, *cp)) *outp++ = *cp++; else cp++; } *outp = '\0'; /* Enforce length. */ if (strlen(out) > MAX_NICKNAME_LEN) out[MAX_NICKNAME_LEN]='\0'; return out; } /** Release storage held by <b>options</b> */ static void free_options(or_options_t *options) { config_free_lines(options->LogOptions); tor_free(options->ContactInfo); tor_free(options->DebugLogFile); tor_free(options->DataDirectory); tor_free(options->RouterFile); tor_free(options->Nickname); tor_free(options->Address); tor_free(options->PidFile); tor_free(options->ExitNodes); tor_free(options->EntryNodes); tor_free(options->ExcludeNodes); tor_free(options->RendNodes); tor_free(options->RendExcludeNodes); tor_free(options->OutboundBindAddress); tor_free(options->RecommendedVersions); tor_free(options->User); tor_free(options->Group); config_free_lines(options->RendConfigLines); config_free_lines(options->SocksBindAddress); config_free_lines(options->ORBindAddress); config_free_lines(options->DirBindAddress); config_free_lines(options->ExitPolicy); config_free_lines(options->SocksPolicy); if (options->FirewallPorts) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options->FirewallPorts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(options->FirewallPorts); options->FirewallPorts = NULL; } } /** Set <b>options</b> to hold reasonable defaults for most options. */ static void init_options(or_options_t *options) { /* give reasonable values for each option. Defaults to zero. */ memset(options,0,sizeof(or_options_t)); options->LogOptions = NULL; options->ExitNodes = tor_strdup(""); options->EntryNodes = tor_strdup(""); options->StrictEntryNodes = options->StrictExitNodes = 0; options->ExcludeNodes = tor_strdup(""); options->RendNodes = tor_strdup(""); options->RendExcludeNodes = tor_strdup(""); options->ExitPolicy = NULL; options->SocksPolicy = NULL; options->SocksBindAddress = NULL; options->ORBindAddress = NULL; options->DirBindAddress = NULL; options->OutboundBindAddress = NULL; options->RecommendedVersions = NULL; options->PidFile = NULL; // tor_strdup("tor.pid"); options->DataDirectory = NULL; options->PathlenCoinWeight = 0.3; options->MaxConn = 900; options->DirFetchPostPeriod = 600; options->KeepalivePeriod = 300; options->MaxOnionsPending = 100; options->NewCircuitPeriod = 30; /* twice a minute */ options->BandwidthRate = 800000; /* at most 800kB/s total sustained incoming */ options->BandwidthBurst = 10000000; /* max burst on the token bucket */ options->NumCpus = 1; options->RendConfigLines = NULL; options->FirewallPorts = NULL; } static char *get_default_conf_file(void) { #ifdef MS_WINDOWS char *path = tor_malloc(MAX_PATH); if (!SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, path, CSIDL_APPDATA, 1))) { tor_free(path); return NULL; } strlcat(path,"\\tor\\torrc",MAX_PATH); return path; #else return tor_strdup(CONFDIR "/torrc"); #endif } /** Read a configuration file into <b>options</b>, finding the configuration * file location based on the command line. After loading the options, * validate them for consistency. Return 0 if success, <0 if failure. */ int getconfig(int argc, char **argv, or_options_t *options) { struct config_line_t *cl; FILE *cf; char *fname; int i; int result = 0; static int first_load = 1; static char **backup_argv; static int backup_argc; char *previous_pidfile = NULL; int previous_runasdaemon = 0; int previous_orport = -1; int using_default_torrc; if(first_load) { /* first time we're called. save commandline args */ backup_argv = argv; backup_argc = argc; first_load = 0; } else { /* we're reloading. need to clean up old ones first. */ argv = backup_argv; argc = backup_argc; /* record some previous values, so we can fail if they change */ if(options->PidFile) previous_pidfile = tor_strdup(options->PidFile); previous_runasdaemon = options->RunAsDaemon; previous_orport = options->ORPort; free_options(options); } init_options(options); if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1],"--help"))) { print_usage(); exit(0); } if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1],"--version"))) { printf("Tor version %s.\n",VERSION); exit(0); } /* learn config file name, get config lines, assign them */ i = 1; while(i < argc-1 && strcmp(argv[i],"-f")) { i++; } if(i < argc-1) { /* we found one */ fname = tor_strdup(argv[i+1]); using_default_torrc = 0; } else { /* didn't find one, try CONFDIR */ char *fn; using_default_torrc = 1; fn = get_default_conf_file(); if (fn && file_status(fn)==FN_FILE) { fname = fn; } else { tor_free(fn); fn = expand_filename("~/.torrc"); if (fn && file_status(fn)==FN_FILE) { fname = fn; } else { tor_free(fn); fname = get_default_conf_file(); } } } tor_assert(fname); log(LOG_DEBUG,"Opening config file '%s'",fname); if(config_assign_defaults(options) < 0) { return -1; } cf = fopen(fname, "r"); if(!cf) { if(using_default_torrc == 1) { log(LOG_NOTICE, "Configuration file '%s' not present, using reasonable defaults.",fname); tor_free(fname); } else { log(LOG_WARN, "Unable to open configuration file '%s'.",fname); tor_free(fname); return -1; } } else { /* it opened successfully. use it. */ tor_free(fname); if (config_get_lines(cf, &cl)<0) return -1; if(config_assign(options,cl) < 0) return -1; config_free_lines(cl); fclose(cf); } /* go through command-line variables too */ cl = config_get_commandlines(argc,argv); if(config_assign(options,cl) < 0) return -1; config_free_lines(cl); /* Validate options */ /* first check if any of the previous options have changed but aren't allowed to */ if(previous_pidfile && strcmp(previous_pidfile,options->PidFile)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"During reload, PidFile changed from %s to %s. Failing.", previous_pidfile, options->PidFile); return -1; } tor_free(previous_pidfile); if(previous_runasdaemon && !options->RunAsDaemon) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"During reload, change from RunAsDaemon=1 to =0 not allowed. Failing."); return -1; } if(previous_orport == 0 && options->ORPort > 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"During reload, change from ORPort=0 to >0 not allowed. Failing."); return -1; } if(options->ORPort < 0) { log(LOG_WARN,"ORPort option can't be negative."); result = -1; } if (options->Nickname == NULL) { if(server_mode()) { if (!(options->Nickname = get_default_nickname())) return -1; log_fn(LOG_NOTICE, "Choosing default nickname %s", options->Nickname); } } else { if (strspn(options->Nickname, LEGAL_NICKNAME_CHARACTERS) != strlen(options->Nickname)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Nickname '%s' contains illegal characters.", options->Nickname); result = -1; } if (strlen(options->Nickname) == 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Nickname must have at least one character"); result = -1; } if (strlen(options->Nickname) > MAX_NICKNAME_LEN) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Nickname '%s' has more than %d characters.", options->Nickname, MAX_NICKNAME_LEN); result = -1; } } if(server_mode()) { /* confirm that our address isn't broken, so we can complain now */ uint32_t tmp; if(resolve_my_address(options->Address, &tmp) < 0) result = -1; } if(options->SocksPort < 0) { log(LOG_WARN,"SocksPort option can't be negative."); result = -1; } if(options->SocksPort == 0 && options->ORPort == 0) { log(LOG_WARN,"SocksPort and ORPort are both undefined? Quitting."); result = -1; } if(options->DirPort < 0) { log(LOG_WARN,"DirPort option can't be negative."); result = -1; } if(options->StrictExitNodes && !strlen(options->ExitNodes)) { log(LOG_WARN,"StrictExitNodes set, but no ExitNodes listed."); } if(options->StrictEntryNodes && !strlen(options->EntryNodes)) { log(LOG_WARN,"StrictEntryNodes set, but no EntryNodes listed."); } if(options->AuthoritativeDir && options->RecommendedVersions == NULL) { log(LOG_WARN,"Directory servers must configure RecommendedVersions."); result = -1; } if(options->AuthoritativeDir && !options->DirPort) { log(LOG_WARN,"Running as authoritative directory, but no DirPort set."); result = -1; } if(options->AuthoritativeDir && !options->ORPort) { log(LOG_WARN,"Running as authoritative directory, but no ORPort set."); result = -1; } if(options->AuthoritativeDir && options->ClientOnly) { log(LOG_WARN,"Running as authoritative directory, but ClientOnly also set."); result = -1; } if(options->FascistFirewall && !options->FirewallPorts) { options->FirewallPorts = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(options->FirewallPorts, tor_strdup("80")); smartlist_add(options->FirewallPorts, tor_strdup("443")); } if(options->FirewallPorts) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options->FirewallPorts, const char *, cp, { i = atoi(cp); if (i < 1 || i > 65535) { log(LOG_WARN, "Port '%s' out of range in FirewallPorts", cp); result=-1; } }); } options->_AllowUnverified = 0; if(options->AllowUnverifiedNodes) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options->AllowUnverifiedNodes, const char *, cp, { if (!strcasecmp(cp, "entry")) options->_AllowUnverified |= ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_ENTRY; else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "exit")) options->_AllowUnverified |= ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_EXIT; else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "middle")) options->_AllowUnverified |= ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_MIDDLE; else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "introduction")) options->_AllowUnverified |= ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_INTRODUCTION; else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "rendezvous")) options->_AllowUnverified |= ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_RENDEZVOUS; else { log(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized value '%s' in AllowUnverifiedNodes", cp); result=-1; } }); } if(options->SocksPort >= 1 && (options->PathlenCoinWeight < 0.0 || options->PathlenCoinWeight >= 1.0)) { log(LOG_WARN,"PathlenCoinWeight option must be >=0.0 and <1.0."); result = -1; } if(options->MaxConn < 1) { log(LOG_WARN,"MaxConn option must be a non-zero positive integer."); result = -1; } if(options->MaxConn >= MAXCONNECTIONS) { log(LOG_WARN,"MaxConn option must be less than %d.", MAXCONNECTIONS); result = -1; } if(options->DirFetchPostPeriod < 1) { log(LOG_WARN,"DirFetchPostPeriod option must be positive."); result = -1; } if(options->DirFetchPostPeriod > MIN_ONION_KEY_LIFETIME/2) { log(LOG_WARN,"DirFetchPostPeriod is too large; clipping."); options->DirFetchPostPeriod = MIN_ONION_KEY_LIFETIME/2; } if(options->KeepalivePeriod < 1) { log(LOG_WARN,"KeepalivePeriod option must be positive."); result = -1; } /* XXX look at the various nicknamelists and make sure they're * valid and don't have hostnames that are too long. */ if (rend_config_services(options) < 0) { result = -1; } return result; } static int add_single_log(struct config_line_t *level_opt, struct config_line_t *file_opt, int isDaemon) { int levelMin=-1, levelMax=-1; char *cp, *tmp_sev; if (level_opt) { cp = strchr(level_opt->value, '-'); if (cp) { tmp_sev = tor_strndup(level_opt->value, cp - level_opt->value); levelMin = parse_log_level(tmp_sev); if (levelMin<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized log severity '%s': must be one of err|warn|notice|info|debug", tmp_sev); return -1; } tor_free(tmp_sev); levelMax = parse_log_level(cp+1); if (levelMax<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized log severity '%s': must be one of err|warn|notice|info|debug", cp+1); return -1; } } else { levelMin = parse_log_level(level_opt->value); if (levelMin<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized log severity '%s': must be one of err|warn|notice|info|debug", level_opt->value); return -1; } } } if (levelMin < 0 && levelMax < 0) { levelMin = LOG_NOTICE; levelMax = LOG_ERR; } else if (levelMin < 0) { levelMin = levelMax; } else { levelMax = LOG_ERR; } if (file_opt) { if (add_file_log(levelMin, levelMax, file_opt->value) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Cannot write to LogFile '%s': %s.", file_opt->value, strerror(errno)); return -1; } log_fn(LOG_NOTICE, "Successfully opened LogFile '%s', redirecting output.", file_opt->value); } else if (!isDaemon) { add_stream_log(levelMin, levelMax, "<stdout>", stdout); close_temp_logs(); } return 0; } /** * Initialize the logs based on the configuration file. */ int config_init_logs(or_options_t *options) { /* The order of options is: Level? (File Level?)+ */ struct config_line_t *opt = options->LogOptions; /* Special case if no options are given. */ if (!opt) { add_stream_log(LOG_NOTICE, LOG_ERR, "<stdout>", stdout); close_temp_logs(); /* don't return yet, in case we want to do a debuglogfile below */ } /* Special case for if first option is LogLevel. */ if (opt && !strcasecmp(opt->key, "LogLevel")) { if (opt->next && !strcasecmp(opt->next->key, "LogFile")) { if (add_single_log(opt, opt->next, options->RunAsDaemon)<0) return -1; opt = opt->next->next; } else if (!opt->next) { if (add_single_log(opt, NULL, options->RunAsDaemon)<0) return -1; opt = opt->next; } else { ; /* give warning below */ } } while (opt) { if (!strcasecmp(opt->key, "LogLevel")) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Two LogLevel options in a row without intervening LogFile"); opt = opt->next; } else { tor_assert(!strcasecmp(opt->key, "LogFile")); if (opt->next && !strcasecmp(opt->next->key, "LogLevel")) { /* LogFile followed by LogLevel */ if (add_single_log(opt->next, opt, options->RunAsDaemon)<0) return -1; opt = opt->next->next; } else { /* LogFile followed by LogFile or end of list. */ if (add_single_log(NULL, opt, options->RunAsDaemon)<0) return -1; opt = opt->next; } } } if (options->DebugLogFile) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "DebugLogFile is deprecated; use LogFile and LogLevel instead"); if (add_file_log(LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERR, options->DebugLogFile)<0) return -1; } return 0; } /** * Given a linked list of config lines containing "allow" and "deny" tokens, * parse them and place the result in <b>dest</b>. Skip malformed lines. */ void config_parse_exit_policy(struct config_line_t *cfg, struct exit_policy_t **dest) { struct exit_policy_t **nextp; smartlist_t *entries; if (!cfg) return; nextp = dest; while (*nextp) nextp = &((*nextp)->next); entries = smartlist_create(); for (; cfg; cfg = cfg->next) { smartlist_split_string(entries,cfg->value,",",SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE,0); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(entries, const char *, ent, { log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Adding new entry '%s'",ent); *nextp = router_parse_exit_policy_from_string(ent); if(*nextp) { nextp = &((*nextp)->next); } else { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Malformed exit policy %s; skipping.", ent); } }); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(entries, char *, ent, tor_free(ent)); smartlist_clear(entries); } smartlist_free(entries); } void exit_policy_free(struct exit_policy_t *p) { struct exit_policy_t *e; while (p) { e = p; p = p->next; tor_free(e->string); tor_free(e); } } const char *get_data_directory(or_options_t *options) { const char *d; if (options->DataDirectory) d = options->DataDirectory; else if (server_mode()) { #ifdef MS_WINDOWS char *p; p = tor_malloc(MAX_PATH); if (!SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, p, CSIDL_APPDATA, 1))) { strlcpy(p,CONFDIR, MAX_PATH); } strlcat(p,"\\tor",MAX_PATH); options->DataDirectory = p; return p; #else d = "~/.tor"; #endif } else d = NULL; /* XXX008 don't create datadir until we have something we'll be putting in it */ if (d && strncmp(d,"~/",2)==0) { char *fn = expand_filename(d); tor_free(options->DataDirectory); options->DataDirectory = fn; } return options->DataDirectory; } /* Local Variables: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */