= community portal meeting =
* how we got here? we're redesigning the whole website! this portal will be one of the new ones
* we mapped out the content, and then we tried to start organizing
* so we can give an idea of the areas that are already there
* let's create some new relevant content
* let's also talk about improving the content that exists
## sections of the portal
### relay operations
* what is a tor relay
* why run a tor relay
* types of communities that already run tor relays
* "hey, you can support this organization that runs relays here -- torservers, derechos digitales, etc"
* how to run a relay
* how to run a bridge
* information about what you should not do -- eg don't use a raspberry pi for a middle or exit
* content from the relay operator wiki -- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorRelayGuide
* videos that replace or support some of the relay operator content
### user testing
* we need to reach trainers who can help us with user testing and bring back information to us
* currently we are doing this very hand-holding style, going to those places and working directly with orgs and users
* later with the community portal, we hope to be able to provide information directly on the website for doing this
* "why recruit for user testing" we run it in a safe way for the users, in person, in meetups, all the info is anonymous, we explain all of that on the site
* we have a section showing what we are currently testing
* get on our mailing list for testers
* see the final analysis of the work that we've done
* open positions related to this work
* what format is the feedback related to testing? questionairre, take a photo of the results and send back to us
* tests about comprehension, eg "here is an icon, tell us what you think this means" here is the tor launcher, do you think you need to click on "configure"? what do you think these checkboxes mean? show user the "help" text for a bridge, ask the user if they understand what it means... etc text comprehension
* more about how we run our user tests -- show the user our methodology -- if someone wants to talk more, then listen. if someone has additional questions, answer them. sometimes its a challenge because we can't reproduce censorship conditions or other user cases
* we are hosting a survey tool under a .onion
* one test we did was on the user support side -- we present problems and then ask the user what would be the keyword the user would type to get to the answer
* this is not unit testing -- that is on the developer side -- this is all user feedback, user testing
### training materials
* what is tor (basic training, one-pager or short video, things like that)
* quick intro
* currently it has an alert -- training people to use Tor is a big responsibility. how do we give people this alert without detering them from using or training about Tor? build it into a trainer/needs assessment tool eg "are you the right person to do this training? here are some things to know.
* what other resources should go here?
* generalized privacy threat model
* general censorship circumvention model
* different user groups/audiences. more technical, less technical.
* materials for different kinds of sessions, length of time eg one hour or one week
* modular -- explain threat models, explain censorship
* content from media.torproject.org and tor teachers wiki
* how to customize what you need (this kind of thing will be in Version 2 of the portal)
* for trainers: how to do needs assessment -- surveys -- then based on that choose which resources to use
* for trainers: am i the right person for this? some information about how to be a good trainer/do no harm
* for trainers: fun materials like cards to print about how the internet works
* for trainers: packaged similarly to how EFF does ssd.eff.org. eg "who are you training?" drop down menu that has user groups, expertise level
* we will do a sprint to create these materials and then later we will test them on the ground
* types of resources: slides, videos, external resources -- teaching about things not just Tor, illustrated cards -- there are a lot of good materials already out there
* feedback section -- do the above resources meet your training needs? if not let us know
* version 2 will have more granular materials -- eg specific groups, specific threat models, specific censorship cases
* join the community -- IRC, mailing list
* need to schedule a training resources meetup or sprint sometime soon!!!
* PDFs for printing
### outreach
* start out with something dynamic -- engage your community about Tor!
* how to talk about Tor -- from an elevator speech to an hour long talk
* how to run a Tor meetup
* SVG material to download
* interesting metrics, including OONI explorer stuff (version 2) -- randomized interesting data
* Tor speakers portal -- how to request a person to speak about Tor, how to become a person who speaks about Tor -- include in the form things like preferred language
* interviews with Tor advocates around the world, why they teach about this and so on (version 2)
* upcoming Tor events (and something for external community events)
* past events
=== translations ===
* how to join the community of translators
* languages that Tor translates (tier 1, tier 2)
* no language flags!!!
* standard/top tips for translators, including resources like the glossary
* how to find the glossary for your language
* orientation for inclusive/simple language
=== onion hosting ===
* "onionize the web" campaign
* interesting onion sites
* future onion sites
* talking points about onion sites -- words not to use -- iceberg inversion
* promoting that onions exist -- big ones eg facebook and nyt, and smaller interesting ones
* how to create onions
* localized use cases
=== other stuff ===
* ways to move between each section of the portal -- people might go to "outreach" who are actually more interested in "trainings" or "translation"
* notes about diversity in general, not just relay diversity -- on training, outreach, and and user testing parts specifically. something else about getting Global South/geographic diversity, ethnic/racial/
* our goal of creating this area of the website is to make it easier for people in regions that are underresourced so we can grow our community in these regions
* in the outreach and trainings sections, we can showcase work that's already happening. "are you doing a Tor training? we would love to put it on our website" some language that tells people that if they're doing the work, that makes them part of the community. we should have a form or something for people who are doing the work to submit their event |