deploy karma monitoring dashboard
Quote from TPA-RFC-33:
We will deploy a Karma dashboard to expose Prometheus alerts to operators. It features:
- silencing alerts
- showing alert inhibitions
- aggregate alerts from multiple alert managers
- alert groups
- alert history
- dead man's switch (an alert always firing that signals an error when it stops firing)
There is a Karma demo available although it's a bit slow and crowded, hopefully ours will look cleaner.
Note: we will need to come up with access permissions for the karma dashboard since some users will have the right to create silences through it. we could possibly keep a public readonly access, but members of TPA will need to be able to play with the silences.
deploy podman on -
create user on server for running rootless container -
generate a systemd unit using podman for running the image
with the right env varsALERTMANAGER_URI=
figure out how we want to authenticate to karma and setup this authentication -
expose karma as a sub-url of prometheus.torproject.orgsubdomain,, with the same authentication system as prometheus.tpo, proxied by apache
Edited by lelutin