... | @@ -242,6 +242,50 @@ Some repositories are mirrored to https://github.com/torproject |
... | @@ -242,6 +242,50 @@ Some repositories are mirrored to https://github.com/torproject |
organization and to the https://gitlab.torproject.org/ server, through
organization and to the https://gitlab.torproject.org/ server, through
gitlite hooks.
gitlite hooks.
This used to be through a `git push --mirror $REMOTE` command, but now
we do a `git push --force $REMOTE '+refs/*:refs/*'`, because the
`--mirror` argument was destroying merge requests on the GitLab
side. This, for example, is what you get with `--mirror`:
user@tor-dev:~/src/gitlab.torproject.org/xxx/xxx$ git push --mirror git@gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git --dry-run
To gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git
dd75357..964d4c0 master -> master
- [deleted] test-branch
- [deleted] refs/merge-requests/1/head
- [deleted] refs/merge-requests/1/merge
This is exactly what we want to avoid: it correctly moves the master
branch forward, but the mirroring deletes the `refs/merge-requests/*`
content at the destination.
Instead with just `--force`:
user@tor-dev:~/src/gitlab.torproject.org/xxx/xxx$ git push --force git@gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git '+refs/*:refs/*' --dry-run
To gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git
dd75357..964d4c0 master -> master
Here master gets moved forward properly, but we do not delete anything
at the destination that is unknown at the source.
Adding --prune here would give the same behavior as git push --mirror:
user@tor-dev:~/src/gitlab.torproject.org/xxx/xxx$ git push --prune --force git@gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git '+refs/*:refs/*' --dry-run
To gitlab.torproject.org:ahf/test-push-mirror.git
dd75357..964d4c0 master -> master
- [deleted] test-branch
- [deleted] refs/merge-requests/1/head
- [deleted] refs/merge-requests/1/merge
Since we move everything under `refs/*` with the refspec we pass, this should include tags as well as branches.
The only downside of this approach is this: if a person pushes to
Gitlab a branch that does not not exist on Gitolite, the branch will
remain on Gitlab until it's manually deleted. That is fine: if the
branch does exist, it will simply be overwritten next time Gitolite
pushes to Gitlab.
See also [bug 41](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/gitlab/-/issues/41#note_2685994) for a larger discussion on this solution.
## Archiving a repository
## Archiving a repository
To archive a repository, it must first be deactivated by adding a
To archive a repository, it must first be deactivated by adding a
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