[LDAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightweight_Directory_Access_Protocol) is a directory service we use to inventory the users,
groups, passwords, (some) email forwards and machines.
# Tutorial
The LDAP interface documentation is on [db.torproject.org](https://db.torproject.org/). See
specifically the instructions on how to:
* [reset a lost password](https://db.torproject.org/password.html)
* [change your forwarding address](https://db.torproject.org/forward.html)
* [change your SSH key](https://db.torproject.org/doc-mail.html)
# How-to
## Troubleshooting changes@ failures
A common user question is that they are unable to change their SSH
key. This can happen if their email client somehow has trouble sending
a PGP signature correctly. Most often than not, this is because their
email client does a line wrap or somehow corrupts the OpenPGP
signature in the email.
A good place to start looking for such problems is the log files on
the LDAP server (currently `alberti`). For example, this has a trace
of all the emails received by the `changes@` alias:
A common problem is people using `--clearsign` instead of `--sign`
when sending an SSH key. When that hapepns, many email clients
(including Gmail) will word-wrap the SSH key after the comment,
breaking the signature. For example, this might happen:
Hash: SHA512
Using `--sign --armor` will work around this problem, as the original
message will all be ascii-armored.
## Restoring from backups
There's no special backup procedures for the LDAP server: it's backed
up like everything else in the [howto/backup](howto/backup) system.
To restore the OpenLDAP database, you need to head over the Bacula
director, and enter the console:
ssh -tt bacula-director-01 bconsole
Then call the `restore` command and select `6: Select backup for a
client before a specified time.` Then pick the server (currently
`alberti.torproject.org`) and a date. Then you need to "mark" the
right files:
cd /var/lib/ldap
mark *
Then confirm the restore. The files will end up in
`/var/tmp/bacula-restores` on the LDAP server.
The next step depends on whether this is a partial or total
### Partial restore
If you only need to access a specific field or user or part of the
database, you can use `slapcat` to dump the database from the restored
files even if the server is not running. You first need to "configure"
a "fake" server in the restore directory. You will need to create two
files under `/var/tmp/bacula-restores`:
* `/var/tmp/bacula-restores/etc/ldap/slapd.conf`
* `/var/tmp/bacula-restores/etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf`
They can be copied from `/etc`, with the following modificatiosn:
diff -ru /etc/ldap/slapd.conf etc/ldap/slapd.conf
--- /etc/ldap/slapd.conf 2011-10-30 15:43:43.000000000 +0000
+++ etc/ldap/slapd.conf 2019-11-25 19:48:57.106055596 +0000
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
# Where the pid file is put. The init.d script
# will not stop the server if you change this.
-pidfile /var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
+pidfile /var/tmp/bacula-restores/var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
# List of arguments that were passed to the server
-argsfile /var/run/slapd/slapd.args
+argsfile /var/tmp/bacula-restores/var/run/slapd/slapd.args
# Read slapd.conf(5) for possible values
loglevel none
@@ -57,4 +57,4 @@
#backend <other>
# userdir-ldap
-include /etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf
+include /var/tmp/bacula-restores/etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf
diff -ru /etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf
--- /etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf 2019-11-13 20:55:58.789411014 +0000
+++ etc/ldap/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf 2019-11-25 19:49:45.154197081 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
suffix "dc=torproject,dc=org"
# Where the database file are physically stored
-directory "/var/lib/ldap"
+directory "/var/tmp/bacula-restores/var/lib/ldap"
moduleload accesslog
overlay accesslog
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
database hdb
-directory "/var/lib/ldap-log"
+directory "/var/tmp/bacula-restores/var/lib/ldap-log"
suffix cn=log
sizelimit 10000
Then `slapcat` is able to read those files directly:
slapcat -f /var/tmp/bacula-restores/etc/ldap/slapd.conf -F /var/tmp/bacula-restores/etc/ldap
Copy-paste the stuff you need into `ldapvi`.
### Full rollback
Untested procedure.
If you need to roll back the *entire* server to this version, you
first need to stop the LDAP server:
service slapd stop
Then move the files into place (in `/var/lib/ldap`):
mv /var/lib/ldap{,.orig}
cp -R /var/tmp/bacula-restores/var/lib/ldap /var/lib/ldap
chown -R openldap:openldap /var/lib/ldap
And start the server again:
service slapd start
## Listing members of a group
To tell which users are part of a given group (LDAP or otherwise), you
can use the [getent(1)](https://manpages.debian.org/getent.1) command. For example, to see which users
are part of the `tordnsel` group, you would call this command:
$ getent group tordnsel
In the above, `arlo` and `arma` are members of the `tordnsel` group.
The fields in the output are in the format of the [group(5)](https://manpages.debian.org/buster/manpages/group.5.en.html) file.
Note that the group membership will vary according to the machie on
which the command is run, as not all users are present everywhere.
Searching LDAP
This will load a text editor with a dump of all the users (useful to
modify an existing user or add a new one):
ldapvi -ZZ --encoding=ASCII --ldap-conf -h db.torproject.org -D "uid=$USER,ou=users,dc=torproject,dc=org"
This will list all known hosts in LDAP:
ldapsearch -ZZ -vLxW -h db.torproject.org -D "uid=$USER,ou=users,dc=torproject,dc=org" -b "ou=hosts,dc=torproject,dc=org" '(objectclass=*)' | grep ^dn:
Note that this will only work on the LDAP host itself or on
whitelisted hosts which are few right now. This is mostly documented
for TPA members.
Modifying the schema
If you need to add, change or remove a field in the *schema* of the
LDAP database, it is a different, and complex operation. You will only
need to do this if you launch a new service that (say) requires a new
password specifically for that service.
The schema is maintained in the [userdir-ldap.git](https://gitweb.torproject.org/admin/userdir-ldap.git/) repository. It
is stored in the `userdir-ldap.schema` file. Assuming the modified
object is a `user`, you would need to edit the file in three places:
1. as a comment, in the beginning, to allocate a new field, for
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
# .45 - rebootPolicy
# .46 - totpSeed
# .47 - sshfpHostname
+# .48 - mailPassword
# .3 - experimental LDAP objectClasses
# .1 - debianDeveloper
This is purely informative, but it is important as it serves as a
central allocation point for that numbering system. Also note that
the entire schema lives under a branch of the [Debian.org IANA OID
2. create the actual attribute, somewhere next to a similar attribute
or after the previous OID, in this case we created an attributed
called `mailPassword` right after `rtcPassword`, since other
passwords were also grouped there:
attributetype (
NAME 'mailPassword'
DESC 'mail password for SMTP'
EQUALITY octetStringMatch
3. finally, the new attribute needs to be added to the
objectclass. in our example, the field was added alongside the
other password fields in the `debianAccount` objectclass, which
looked like this after the change:
objectclass (
NAME 'debianAccount'
DESC 'Abstraction of an account with POSIX attributes and UTF8 support'
MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber )
MAY ( userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ homeDirectory $ description $ mailDisableMessage $ sudoPassword $ webPassword $ rtcPassword $ mailPassword $ totpSeed ) )
Once that schema file is propagated to the LDAP server, this should
automatically be loaded by `slapd` when it is restarted (see
below). But the ACL for that field should also be modified. In our
case, we had to add the `mailPassword` field to two ACLs:
--- a/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf.in
+++ b/userdir-ldap-slapd.conf.in
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ access to attrs=privateSub
by * break
# allow users write access to an explicit subset of their fields
-access to attrs=c,l,loginShell,ircNick,labeledURI,icqUIN,jabberJID,onVacation,birthDate,mailDisableMessage,gender,emailforward,mailCallout,mailGreylisting,mailRBL,mailRHSBL,mailWhitelist,mailContentInspectionAction,mailDefaultOptions,facsimileTelephoneNumber,telephoneNumber,postalAddress,postalCode,loginShell,onVacation,latitude,longitude,VoIP,userPassword,sudoPassword,webPassword,rtcPassword,bATVToken
+access to attrs=c,l,loginShell,ircNick,labeledURI,icqUIN,jabberJID,onVacation,birthDate,mailDisableMessage,gender,emailforward,mailCallout,mailGreylisting,mailRBL,mailRHSBL,mailWhitelist,mailContentInspectionAction,mailDefaultOptions,facsimileTelephoneNumber,telephoneNumber,postalAddress,postalCode,loginShell,onVacation,latitude,longitude,VoIP,userPassword,sudoPassword,webPassword,rtcPassword,mailPassword,bATVToken
by self write
by * break
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ access to attrs=c,l,loginShell,ircNick,labeledURI,icqUIN,jabberJID,onVacation,bi
# allow authn/z by anyone
-access to attrs=userPassword,sudoPassword,webPassword,rtcPassword,bATVToken
+access to attrs=userPassword,sudoPassword,webPassword,rtcPassword,mailPassword,bATVToken
by * compare
# readable only by self
If those are the only required changes, it is acceptable to directly
make those changes directly on the LDAP server, as long as the *exact*
same changes are performed in the git repositoy.
It is preferable, however, to [build and
upload](howto/build_and_upload_debs) `userdir-ldap` as a Debian package instead.
# Reference
LDAP is not accessible to the outside world, so you need to be behind
the firewall. Once that's resolved, you can use [ldapvi(1)](https://manpages.debian.org/ldapvi.1.en.html) or
[ldapsearch(1)](https://manpages.debian.org/ldapsearch.1.en.html) to inspect the database. User documentation on that
process is in [doc/accounts](doc/accounts).
The LDAP setup at Tor is based on the one from
Debian.org. `/etc/password` and `groups` files are synchronized from
the central LDAP server using the `sshdist` account, which means
things keep working when LDAP is down. Most operations can be
performed on the [db.torproject.org](https://db.torproject.org/) site or by [email](https://db.torproject.org/doc-mail.html).
DNS zone files are also managed (at least partly) in LDAP. This is
automated through cron jobs, but if you're in a hurry, the zones get
generated by `ud-generate` on `alberti` (as `sshdist`?) and replicate
(?) on `nevii` with `ud-replicate` (as `root`?). |