... | ... | @@ -12,29 +12,32 @@ follow this [template](howto/template) to ensure proper documentation. |
Those are services managed by TPA directly.
| Service | Purpose | URL | Maintainers |
| [backup][] | Backups | N/A | TPA |
| [cache][] | Web caching/accelerator/CDN | N/A | TPA |
| [dns][] | domain name service | N/A | TPA |
| [drbd][] | disk redundancy | N/A | TPA |
| email | forward @torproject.org emails | N/A | TPA |
| [ganeti][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA |
| [grafana][] | metrics dashboard, pretty graphs | <https://grafana.torproject.org> | TPA, anarcat, hiro |
| [ipsec][] | VPN | N/A | TPA |
| [kvm][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA, weasel, anarcat |
| [ldap][] | host and user directory | <https://db.torproject.org> | TPA |
| [logging][] | centralized logging | N/A | TPA |
| [nagios][] | alerting | <https://nagios.torproject.org> | TPA |
| [openstack][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA |
| [postgresql][] | database service | N/A | TPA |
| [prometheus][] | metrics collection and monitoring | <https://prometheus.torproject.org/> | TPA, anarcat |
| [puppet][] | configuration management | `puppet.torproject.org` | TPA |
| [static-component][] | static site mirroring | N/A | TPA |
| [tls][] | X509 certificate management | N/A | TPA |
| [wkd][] | OpenPGP certificates distribution | N/A | TPA |
[wkd]: howto/wkd
| Service | Purpose | URL | Maintainers | Documented |
| [backup][] | Backups | N/A | TPA | 75% |
| [cache][] | Web caching/accelerator/CDN | N/A | TPA | 90% |
| [dns][] | domain name service | N/A | TPA | 10% |
| [drbd][] | disk redundancy | N/A | TPA | 10% |
| email | forward @torproject.org emails | N/A | TPA | 0% |
| [ganeti][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA | 90% |
| [grafana][] | metrics dashboard, pretty graphs | <https://grafana.torproject.org> | TPA, anarcat, hiro | 10% |
| [ipsec][] | VPN | N/A | TPA | 30% |
| [kvm][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA, weasel, anarcat | 20% |
| [ldap][] | host and user directory | <https://db.torproject.org> | TPA | 70% |
| [logging][] | centralized logging | N/A | TPA | 10% |
| [nagios][] | alerting | <https://nagios.torproject.org> | TPA | 5% |
| [openstack][] | virtual machine hosting | N/A | TPA | 30% |
| [postgresql][] | database service | N/A | TPA | 80% |
| [prometheus][] | metrics collection and monitoring | <https://prometheus.torproject.org/> | TPA, anarcat | 90% |
| [puppet][] | configuration management | `puppet.torproject.org` | TPA | 100% |
| [static-component][] | static site mirroring | N/A | TPA | 5% |
| [tls][] | X509 certificate management | N/A | TPA | 50% |
| [wkd][] | OpenPGP certificates distribution | N/A | TPA | 10% |
It is estimated that, on average, 42% of the documentation above is
complete. This does not include undocumented services, below.
[wkd]: howto/Web-Key-Directory-[wkd]---How-keys-are-managed-in-Tor
[tls]: howto/tls
[static-component]: howto/static-component
[puppet]: howto/puppet
... | ... | @@ -65,28 +68,28 @@ look [here](policy/tpa-rfc-2-support#service-admins). |
The Service Admins maintain the following list of Tor Services.
| Service | Purpose | URL | Maintainers |
| [blog][] | web log site | <https://blog.torproject.org/> | hiro, anarcat |
| [check][] | web app to check if we're using tor | <https://check.torproject.org> | arlolra |
| [collector][] | collects Tor network data and makes it available | collector{1,2}.torproject.org | karsten, irl |
| [debian archive][] | Debian package repository | <https://deb.torproject.org> | weasel |
| [git][] | Source control system | <https://git.torproject.org> | ahf, hiro, irl, nickm, Sebastian, TPA? |
| [gitlab][] | Issue tracking, Wikis | <https://gitlab.torproject.org/> | ahf, hiro |
| [irc][] | IRC bouncer | <ircbouncer.torproject.org> | pastly |
| [lists][] | mailing lists | <https://lists.torproject.org> | atagar, qbi |
| [metrics][] | network descriptor aggregator and network data visualizer | <https://metrics.torproject.org> | karsten |
| [nextcloud][] | NextCloud | <https://nc.torproject.net/> | anarcat, gaba, hiro, ln5 |
| [newsletter][] | Tor Newsletter | <https://newsletter.torproject.org> | ? |
| [onionperf][] | Tor network performance measurements | ? | hiro, irl |
| [ooni][] | open observatory of network interference | <https://ooni.torproject.org> | hellais |
| [schleuder][] | encrypted mailing lists | | dgoulet, hiro |
| [rt][] | Email support | <https://rt.torproject.org/> | gus, pili |
| [styleguide][] | ? | <https://styleguide.torproject.org> | antonela |
| [support portal][] | ? | <https://support.torproject.org> | pili |
| [survey][] | survey application | <https://survey.torproject.org/> | hiro |
| [svn][] | Document storage | <https://svn.torproject.org/> | unmaintained |
| [website][] | main website | <https://www.torproject.org> | hiro |
| Service | Purpose | URL | Maintainers | Documented |
| [blog][] | web log site | <https://blog.torproject.org/> | hiro, anarcat | 1% |
| [check][] | web app to check if we're using tor | <https://check.torproject.org> | arlolra | 90% |
| [collector][] | collects Tor network data and makes it available | collector{1,2}.torproject.org | karsten, irl | ? |
| [debian archive][] | Debian package repository | <https://deb.torproject.org> | weasel | 20% |
| [git][] | Source control system | <https://git.torproject.org> | ahf, hiro, irl, nickm, Sebastian, TPA? | 70% |
| [gitlab][] | Issue tracking, Wikis | <https://gitlab.torproject.org/> | ahf, hiro | 90% |
| [irc][] | IRC bouncer | <ircbouncer.torproject.org> | pastly | 90% |
| [lists][] | mailing lists | <https://lists.torproject.org> | atagar, qbi | 20% |
| [metrics][] | network descriptor aggregator and network data visualizer | <https://metrics.torproject.org> | karsten | ? |
| [nextcloud][] | NextCloud | <https://nc.torproject.net/> | anarcat, gaba, hiro, ln5 | 30% |
| [newsletter][] | Tor Newsletter | <https://newsletter.torproject.org> | ? | ? |
| [onionperf][] | Tor network performance measurements | ? | hiro, irl | ? |
| [ooni][] | open observatory of network interference | <https://ooni.torproject.org> | hellais | ? |
| [schleuder][] | encrypted mailing lists | | dgoulet, hiro | 30% |
| [rt][] | Email support | <https://rt.torproject.org/> | gus, pili | 50% |
| [styleguide][] | ? | <https://styleguide.torproject.org> | antonela | 1% |
| [support portal][] | ? | <https://support.torproject.org> | pili | 30% |
| [survey][] | survey application | <https://survey.torproject.org/> | hiro | 1% |
| [svn][] | Document storage | <https://svn.torproject.org/> | unmaintained | 10% |
| [website][] | main website | <https://www.torproject.org> | hiro | ? |
Every service listed here must have some documentation, ideally
following the [documentation template](howto/template). As a courtesy,
... | ... | @@ -94,7 +97,10 @@ TPA allows teams to maintain their documentation in a single page |
here. If the documentation needs to expand beyond that, it should be
moved to its own wiki, but still linked here.
There are more (undocumented) services, listed below.
There are more (undocumented) services, listed below. Of the 20
services listed above, 6 have an unknown state because the
documentation is external (marked with `?`). Of the remaining 14
services, it is estimated that 38% of the documentation is complete.
[blog]: service/blog
[check]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/metrics/team/-/wikis/Survival-Guides/Check
... | ... | @@ -185,3 +191,11 @@ Those services have been retired. |
[Trac]: howto/trac
[Prodromus]: https://github.com/rkallensee/prodromus
[Atlas]: https://atlas.torproject.org
## Documentation assesment
* Internal: 20 services, 42% complete
* External: 20 services, 14 documented, of which 38% are complete
complete, 6 unknown
* Undocumented: 23 services
* Total: 20% of the documentation completed as of 2020-09-30 |