... | ... | @@ -48,12 +48,15 @@ responsability of the TPA team. |
| [irc][] | IRC bouncer | <ircbouncer.torproject.org> | pastly |
| [lists][] | mailing lists | <https://lists.torproject.org> | atagar, qbi |
| [nextcloud][] | NextCloud | <https://nc.torproject.net/> | anarcat, gaba, hiro, ln5 |
| [newsletter][] | Tor Newsletter | <https://newsletter.torproject.org> | ? |
| [onionperf][] | Tor network performance measurements | ? | hiro, irl |
| [schleuder][] | encrypted mailing lists | | dgoulet, hiro |
| [rt][] | Email support | <https://rt.torproject.org/> | gus, pili |
| [styleguide][] | ? | <https://styleguide.torproject.org> | antonela |
| [support portal][] | ? | <https://support.torproject.org> | pili |
| [survey][] | survey application | <https://survey.torproject.org/> | hiro |
| [svn][] | Document storage | <https://svn.torproject.org/> | unmaintained |
| [website][] | main website | <https://www.torproject.org> | hiro |
[blog]: service/blog
[debian archive]: service/debian-archive
... | ... | @@ -61,13 +64,16 @@ responsability of the TPA team. |
[gitlab]: howto/gitlab
[irc]: howto/irc
[lists]: service/lists
[newsletter]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/newsletter/-/wikis/home
[nextcloud]: service/nextcloud
[onionperf]: service/oninonperf
[rt]: howto/rt
[schleuder]: service/schleuder
[styleguide]: service/styleguide
[support portal]: service/support
[survey]: service/survey
[svn]: howto/svn
[website]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/tpo/-/wikis/home
## Research
... | ... | @@ -138,9 +144,6 @@ The Service Admins maintain the following list of Tor Services. |
| research | website with stuff for researchers including tech reports | <https://research.torproject.org> | karsten |
| rpm archive | RPM package repository | <https://rpm.torproject.org> | kushal |
| stem | stem project website and tutorial | <https://stem.torproject.org/> | atagar |
| [./survey Survey] | survey application | <https://survey.torproject.org/> | hiro |
| tb-manual | Tor Browser User Manual | <https://tb-manual.torproject.org/> | gus |
| testnet | Test network services | ? | dgoulet |
| [./newsletter Tor newsletter] | ? | <https://newsletter.torproject.org> | ? |
| translation | Translation services | | emmapeel | |
| [./website Main website] | main website | <https://www.torproject.org> | hiro | |