diff --git a/service.md b/service.md
index 1bcb59628394950b35de2c095227b708c279c3bb..b104d64ec9dd599f3af11f77ff3a0a79df8af55b 100644
--- a/service.md
+++ b/service.md
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ The Service Admins maintain the following list of Tor Services.
 | Service                | Purpose                                               | URL                                     | Maintainers                 | Documented | Auth                          |
+| [anon_ticket][]        | Anonymous ticket lobby for GitLab                     | <https://anonticket.torproject.org/>    | ahf, juga                   | 10%        | no                            |
 | [apps team builders][] | build Tor Browser and related                         | N/A                                     | richard                     | 10%        | LDAP                          |
 | [BBB][]                | Video and audio conference system                     | <https://tor.meet.coop>                 | gaba, gus                   | -          | yes (see [policy][])          |
 | [blog][]               | Weblog site                                           | <https://blog.torproject.org/>          | lavamind, gus               | 90%        | GitLab                        |
diff --git a/service/anon_ticket.md b/service/anon_ticket.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+A web application that allows users to create anonymous tickets on the Tor
+Project's GitLab instance by leveraging the GitLab API.
+The project is developed in-house and hosted on GitLab at
+<!-- note: this template was designed based on multiple sources: -->
+<!-- https://diataxis.fr/ -->
+<!-- http://opsreportcard.com/section/9-->
+<!-- http://opsreportcard.com/section/11 -->
+<!-- comments like this one should be removed on instantiation -->
+# Tutorial
+<!-- simple, brainless step-by-step instructions requiring little or -->
+<!-- no technical background -->
+# How-to
+<!-- more in-depth procedure that may require interpretation -->
+## Pager playbook
+<!-- information about common errors from the monitoring system and -->
+<!-- how to deal with them. this should be easy to follow: think of -->
+<!-- your future self, in a stressful situation, tired and hungry. -->
+## Disaster recovery
+<!-- what to do if all goes to hell. e.g. restore from backups? -->
+<!-- rebuild from scratch? not necessarily those procedures (e.g. see -->
+<!-- "Installation" below but some pointers. -->
+# Reference
+<!-- this section is a more in-depth review of how this service works, -->
+<!-- how it's setup. day-to-day operation should be covered in -->
+<!-- tutorial or how-to, this is more in-depth -->
+<!-- a good guide to "audit" an existing project's design: -->
+<!-- https://bluesock.org/~willkg/blog/dev/auditing_projects.html -->
+<!-- the following sections are partially based on that -->
+## Installation
+Prerequisite for installing this service is an LDAP role account.
+The service is mainly deployed via the `profile::anonticket` Puppet class,
+which takes care of installing dependencies, configuring a postgresql
+user/database, an nginx reverse proxy and systemd user service unit file.
+A Python virtual environment must then be manually provisioned in `$HOME/.env`,
+and the `ticketlobby.service` user service unit file must then be enabled and
+## Upgrades
+<!-- how upgrades are performed. preferably automated through Debian -->
+<!-- packages, otherwise document how upgrades are performed. see also -->
+<!-- the Testing section below -->
+## SLA
+<!-- this describes an acceptable level of service for this service -->
+## Design and architecture
+<!-- how this is built -->
+<!-- should reuse and expand on the "proposed solution" discussed in -->
+<!-- a previous RFC or the Discussion section below. it's a -->
+<!-- "as-built" documented, whereas the "Proposed solution" is an -->
+<!-- "architectural" document, which the final result might differ -->
+<!-- from, sometimes significantly -->
+## Services
+The nginx reverse proxy listens on the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports, handles
+TLS termination, and forwards requests to the ticketlobby application.
+## Storage
+Persistent data is stored in a PostgreSQL database.
+## Queues
+<!-- email queues, job queues, schedulers -->
+## Interfaces
+<!-- e.g. web APIs, commandline clients, etc -->
+## Authentication
+<!-- SSH? LDAP? standalone? -->
+## Implementation
+<!-- programming languages, frameworks, versions, license -->
+## Related services
+<!-- dependent services (e.g. authenticates against LDAP, or requires -->
+<!-- git pushes)  -->
+## Issues
+This project has its own issue tracker at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/anon_ticket/-/issues
+## Maintainer
+<!-- document who deployed and operates this service, the team and -->
+<!-- ideally the person inside that team -->
+## Users
+<!-- who the main users are, how they use the service. possibly reuse -->
+<!-- the Personas section in the RFC, if available. -->
+## Upstream
+<!-- who the upstreams are, if they are still active, -->
+<!-- collaborative, how do we keep up to date, support channels, see -->
+<!-- also the "Issues" section above -->
+## Monitoring and metrics
+<!-- describe how this service is monitored, how security issues and -->
+<!-- upgrades are tracked, see also "Upgrades" above. -->
+## Tests
+<!-- how the service can be tested, for example after major changes -->
+<!-- like IP address changes or upgrades. describe CI, test suites, linting -->
+## Logs
+<!-- where are the logs? how long are they kept? any PII? -->
+<!-- what about performance metrics? same questions -->
+## Backups
+<!-- does this service need anything special in terms of backups? -->
+<!-- e.g. locking a database? special recovery procedures? -->
+## Other documentation
+<!-- references to upstream documentation, if relevant -->
+# Discussion
+<!-- the "discussion" section is where you put any longer conversation -->
+<!-- about the project that you will not need in a casual -->
+<!-- review. history of the project, why it was done the way it was -->
+<!-- (as opposed to how), alternatives, and other proposals are -->
+<!-- relevant here. -->
+<!-- this at least partly overlaps with the TPA-RFC process (see -->
+<!-- policy.md), but in general should defer to proposals when -->
+<!-- available -->
+## Overview
+<!-- describe the overall project. should include a link to a ticket -->
+<!-- that has a launch checklist -->
+<!-- if this is an old project being documented, summarize the known -->
+<!-- issues with the project. -->
+## Security and risk assessment
+ 5. When was the last security review done on the project? What was
+    the outcome? Are there any security issues currently? Should it
+    have another security review?
+ 6. When was the last risk assessment done? Something that would cover
+    risks from the data stored, the access required, etc.
+## Technical debt and next steps
+ 7. Are there any in-progress projects? Technical debt cleanup?
+    Migrations? What state are they in? What's the urgency? What's the
+    next steps?
+ 8. What urgent things need to be done on this project?
+## Proposed Solution
+<!-- Link to RFC -->
+## Other alternatives
+<!-- include benchmarks and procedure if relevant -->