diff --git a/howto/conference.md b/howto/conference.md
index f3f2a75011ef3f1a8ff30846f0fb65f0f185cf5c..0cc9ed91bda6044f725f6b395bec1e227c8dc936 100644
--- a/howto/conference.md
+++ b/howto/conference.md
@@ -319,3 +319,5 @@ Conference-hosting and larger-scale e-learning software:
    stream conferences online. requires hosting and managing our own
    services, although Carl Karsten @ https://nextdayvideo.com/ can
    provide that paid service.
+ * [Owncast](https://github.com/owncast/owncast) - free software Twitch replacement: streaming with
+   storage
diff --git a/howto/fabric.md b/howto/fabric.md
index 955503a27edb2aafa2100c56be6e6a4ac3603582..fc1581a56527f3544a64525251898d6770610fcd 100644
--- a/howto/fabric.md
+++ b/howto/fabric.md
@@ -486,3 +486,20 @@ things. He hasn't committed to the project [in over a year](https://github.com/d
 shortly after [announcing](https://sweetness.hmmz.org/2019-10-28-operon.html) a "private-source" (GPL, but no public
 code release) rewrite of the Ansible engine, called [Operon](https://networkgenomics.com/operon/). So
 it's [unclear what the fate of mitogen will be](https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/751).
+### spicerack and cumin
+The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF, the organisation running Wikipedia)
+created a set of tools called [spicerack](https://github.com/wikimedia/operations-software-spicerack). It is a framework of
+Python code built on top of [Cumin](cumin), on top of which they wrote a
+set of [cookbooks](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/cookbooks) to automate various ad-hoc operations on the
+Like Fabric, it doesn't ship Python code on the remote servers: it
+merely executes shell commands. The advantage over Fabric is that it
+bridges with the Cumin inventory system to target servers based on the
+domain-specific language (DSL) available there.
+It is also very WMF-specific, and probably would be useless outside of
+that context. It does have good examples of how Cumin can be used as a
+library for certain operations, however.