diff --git a/howto/static-component.md b/howto/static-component.md
index 85fd8d50d18945cd3d348ef39c3c33165cf90f30..2af5b66f8b1a43d8cf8aac400fe32666a5a369b2 100644
--- a/howto/static-component.md
+++ b/howto/static-component.md
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ from a sysadmin perspective. User documentation lives in [doc/static-sites](doc/
         %torwww,%metrics		STATICMASTER=(mirroradm)	NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/static-master-update-component onionperf.torproject.org, /usr/local/bin/static-update-component onionperf.torproject.org
- 10. add to nagios monitoring, in `tor-nagios/config/nagios-master.cfg`:
+ 10. add to Nagios monitoring, in `tor-nagios/config/nagios-master.cfg`:
              name: mirror static sync - atlas
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ from a sysadmin perspective. User documentation lives in [doc/static-sites](doc/
- 7. remove the sudo rules for the role user
+ 7. remove the `sudo` rules for the role user
  8. remove the home directory specified on the server (often
     `staticiforme`, but can be elsewhere) and mirrors, for example:
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ from a sysadmin perspective. User documentation lives in [doc/static-sites](doc/
  9. consider removing the role user and group in LDAP, if there are no
     files left owned by that user
- 10. remove from nagios, e.g.:
+ 10. remove from Nagios, e.g.:
          name: mirror static sync - atlas
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ files and directories in the `tor-puppet.git` repository:
    * `roles::static_mirror` - a generic mirror, see
      `staticsync::static_mirror` below
    * `roles::static_mirror_web` - a web mirror, including most (but
-     not necessarily all) components defined in the YAMl
+     not necessarily all) components defined in the YAML
      configuration. configures Apache (which the above
      doesn't). includes `roles::static_mirror` (and therefore
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ files and directories in the `tor-puppet.git` repository:
      * exports the SSH key to the mirrors and sources
    * `staticsync::base`, included by all of the above, deploys:
      * `/etc/static-components.conf`: a file derived from the
-       `static-components.yaml` config file
+       `static-components.yaml` configuration file
      * `/etc/staticsync.conf`: polyglot (bash and Python)
        configuration file propagating the `base` (currently
        `/srv/static.torproject.org`, `masterbase` (currently
@@ -275,22 +275,22 @@ not directly the `YAML` file shipped to hosts, in
 `staticsync::base`. See the `static-components.conf.erb` Puppet
-### Scripts walkthrough
+### Scripts walk through
 <!-- this is a reformatted copy of the `OVERVIEW` in the staticsync
 puppet module -->
 - `static-update-component` is run by the user on the **source** host.
-  If not run under sudo as the `staticuser` already, it sudos to the
-  `staticuser`, re-execing itself.  It then SSH to the `static-master`
+  If not run under sudo as the `staticuser` already, it `sudo`'s to the
+  `staticuser`, re-executing itself.  It then SSH to the `static-master`
   for that component to run `static-master-update-component`.
   LOCKING: none, but see `static-master-update-component`
 - `static-master-update-component` is run on the **master** host
-  It rsyncs the contents from the **source** host to the static
+  It `rsync`'s the contents from the **source** host to the static
   **master**, and then triggers `static-master-run` to push the
   content to the mirrors.
@@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ puppet module -->
   When instructed by `static-master-run`, we update the symlink and
   remove the old tree.
-  `static-mirror-run` rsyncs either `-current-push` or `-current-live`
+  `static-mirror-run` `rsync`'s either `-current-push` or `-current-live`
   for a component.
   LOCKING: during all of `static-mirror-run`, we keep an exclusive
-    lock on the `<component>` dir, i.e., the directory that holds
+    lock on the `<component>` directory, i.e., the directory that holds
     `tree-[ab]` and `cur`.
 - `static-mirror-run-all`
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Python 2.
 ### Authentication
-Authentication between the static site hosts is entirely done through
+The authentication between the static site hosts is entirely done through
 SSH. The source hosts are accessible by normal users, which can `sudo`
 to a "role" user which has privileges to run the static sync scripts
 as sync user. That user then has privileges to contact the master
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ file (`.serial`) to make sure everyone has the same copy of the site.
 ## Logs and metrics
 All tor webservers keep a minimal amount of logs. The IP address and
-time (but not the date) are zero'd (`00:00:00`). The referer is
+time (but not the date) are clear (`00:00:00`). The referrer is
 disabled on the client side by sending the `Referrer-Policy
 "no-referrer"` header.
@@ -403,14 +403,14 @@ The IP addresses are replaced with:
 Logs are kept for two weeks.
-Errrors may be sent by email.
+Errors may be sent by email.
-Metrics are scraped by [Prometheus](prometheus) using the "apache"
+Metrics are scraped by [Prometheus](prometheus) using the "Apache"
 ## Backups
-The `source` hosts are backed up with [bacula](backups) without any special
+The `source` hosts are backed up with [Bacula](backups) without any special
 TODO: check if master / mirror nodes need to be backup. Probably not?
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ difficult because the dsa-puppet and tor-puppet have disconnected
 histories. Even if they would have a common ancestor, the code is
 spread in multiple directories, which makes it hard to track. There
 has been some refactoring to move most of the code in a `staticsync`
-module, but we still have files strewn over otehr modules.
+module, but we still have files strewn over other modules.
 The static mirror system was written for Debian.org by Peter
 Palfrader. It has also been patches by other DSA members (Stephen
@@ -509,4 +509,17 @@ of copies of the sites we have to keep around.
  * [GitLab pages](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/pages/) could be used as a source?
  * the [cache system](cache) could be used as a replacement in the
-   frontend
+   front-end
+<!--  LocalWords:  atomicity DDOS YAML Hiera webserver NFS CephFS TLS
+ -->
+<!--  LocalWords:  filesystem GitLab scalable frontend CDN HTTPS DNS
+ -->
+<!--  LocalWords:  howto Nagios SSL TOC dns letsencrypt sudo LDAP SLA
+ -->
+<!--  LocalWords:  rsync cron hostname symlink webservers Bacula DSA
+ -->
+<!--  LocalWords:  torproject debian TPO Palfrader Julien Cristau TPA
+ -->
+<!--  LocalWords:  LocalWords
+ -->