diff --git a/tsa/howto/tls.mdwn b/tsa/howto/tls.mdwn
index 4498fc4dafc009393d2cf4a111e5b4343367bdf8..f94542f8c8381cf8c31b2672a1ebbb2d4683353d 100644
--- a/tsa/howto/tls.mdwn
+++ b/tsa/howto/tls.mdwn
@@ -130,16 +130,32 @@ Then run Puppet on all affected hosts, for example the static mirrors:
 ## Disaster recovery
+No disaster recovery plan yet (TODO).
 # Reference
 ## Installation
-<!-- how to setup the service from scratch -->
+There is no documentation on how to deploy this service from
+scratch. To deploy a new cert, see the above section and the
+`ssl::service` Puppet resource.
 ## SLA
-<!-- this describes an acceptable level of service for this service -->
+TLS is critical and should be highly available when relevant. It
+should fail closed, that is if it fails a security check, it should
+not allow a connexion.
 ## Design
+TLS is one of two major transport security protocols used at TPA (the
+other being [[ipsec]]). It is used by web servers (Apache, HA Proxy,
+Nginx), bacup servers (Bacula), mail servers (Postfix), and possibly
+Certificate generation is done by git hooks for Let's Encrypt or by a
+`makefile` and cron job for auto-ca, see below for details.
 ### Certificate authorities in use at Tor
 This documents mostly covers the Let's Encrypt certificates used by
@@ -251,36 +267,36 @@ server (currently `cupani`):
 ## Issues
-<!-- such projects are never over. add a pointer to well-known issues -->
-<!-- and show how to report problems. usually a link to the bugtracker -->
+There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, [File][] or
+[search][] for issues in the [generic internal services][search] component.
+ [File]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket?component=Internal+Services%2FTor+Sysadmin+Team
+ [search]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&component=Internal+Services%2FTor+Sysadmin+Team
 ## Monitoring and testing
-<!-- describe how this service is monitored and how it can be tested -->
-<!-- after major changes like IP address changes or upgrades -->
+When a HTTPS certificate is configured on a host, it MUST be
+(manually) configured in Nagios. This can be done by adding the host
+to the `apache-https-host`, `haproxy-https-host`, `nginx-https-hosts`,
+depending on the webserver implementation. If the TLS server is
+another implementation, a new check SHOULD be written.
+All Let's Encrypt certificates are automatically checked for expiry by
+Nagios as well, on top of the above checks.
 # Discussion
 ## Overview
-<!-- describe the overall project. should include a link to a ticket -->
-<!-- that has a launch checklist -->
-## Goals
-<!-- include bugs to be fixed -->
-### Must have
-### Nice to have
-### Non-Goals
-## Approvals required
-<!-- for example, legal, "vegas", accounting, current maintainer -->
-## Proposed Solution
+There are no plans to do major changes to the TLS configuration,
+although [review of the cipher suites](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/32351) is in progress (as of April
+2020). We should have mechanisms to do such audits on a more
+regular basis, and facilitate changes of those configurations over the
+entire infrastructure.
-## Cost
+<!-- the Goals, Approvals, Proposed solutions and Cost sections have -->
+<!-- been removed from the template because we don't have any big -->
+<!-- project on the TLS infra at the moment -->
 ## Alternatives considered