diff --git a/tsa/howto/drbd.mdwn b/tsa/howto/drbd.mdwn
index 4007ddf2a234b7d1ea3df89be413b17d8d9d9ced..e7ea5575f6bfa72af74ad8cdbd5cffdb1cda5950 100644
--- a/tsa/howto/drbd.mdwn
+++ b/tsa/howto/drbd.mdwn
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ created, so it's expected that new nodes are flagged until they host
 some content. The check is shipped as part of `tor-nagios-checks`, as
 `dsa-check-drbd`, see [dsa-check-drbd](https://gitweb.torproject.org/admin/tor-nagios.git/plain/tor-nagios-checks/checks/dsa-check-drbd).
-Common tasks
 Checking status
@@ -76,6 +76,44 @@ Finding which host is associated with this device is easy: just call
 It's the host `gettor-01`.
+## Pager playbook
+### Resyncing disks
+In Nagios, if you see this warning:
+    DRBD CRITICAL: Device 10 WFConnection UpToDate, Device 9 WFConnection UpToDate
+It means that, on that host (in my case it was
+`fsn-node-04.torproject.org`), disks are desynchronized for some
+reason. In this case, those are disks 9 and 10. You can confirm that
+on the host:
+    # ssh fsn-node-04.torproject.org cat /proc/drbd
+    [...]
+     9: cs:WFConnection ro:Primary/Unknown ds:UpToDate/DUnknown C r-----
+    ns:13799284 nr:0 dw:272704248 dr:15512933 al:1331 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:8343096
+    10: cs:WFConnection ro:Primary/Unknown ds:UpToDate/DUnknown C r-----
+    ns:2097152 nr:0 dw:2097192 dr:2102652 al:9 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:40
+    [...]
+You need to find which instance this disk is associated with (see also
+    $ ssh fsn-node-01.torproject.org gnt-node list-drbd fsn-node-04
+    [...]
+    Node                       Minor Instance                            Disk   Role      PeerNode
+    [...]
+    fsn-node-04.torproject.org     9 onionoo-frontend-01.torproject.org  disk/0 primary   fsn-node-03.torproject.org
+    fsn-node-04.torproject.org    10 onionoo-frontend-01.torproject.org  disk/1 primary   fsn-node-03.torproject.org
+    [...]
+Then you can "reactivate" the disks simply by telling ganeti:
+    $ ssh fsn-node-01.torproject.org gnt-instance activate-disks onionoo-frontend-01.torproject.org
+And then the disk will resync.