How to install a new bare metal server at Hetzner ================================================= Order ----- 1. get approval for the server, picking the specs from the [main website]( 2. head to the [order page]( and pick the right server. pay close attention to the location, you might want to put it alongside other TPO servers (or not!) depending on redundancy or traffic requirements. Click `Add to shopping cart`, leaving all other fields as default. 3. in the `Server login details` page, you should leave `Type` set to `Public key`. If you do not recognize your public SSH key in there, head to the [server list]( and click on [key management]( to add your public keys 4. when you're certain of everything, click `Checkout` in the cart, review the order again and click `Order in obligation`. A confirmation email will be sent by Hetzner at the TPA alias when the order is filed. Then you wait for the order to complete before being able to proceed with the install. Ordering physical servers from Hetzner can be very fast: we've seen 2 minutes turn around times. Install ------- At this point you should have received an email from Hetzner with a subject like: Subject: Your ordered SX62 server It should contain the SSH fingerprint, and IP address of the new host which we'll use below. 1. login to the server using the IP address and host key hash provided above: ssh -o FingerprintHash=md5 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@ Note: the `FingerprintHash` parameter above is to make sure we match the hashing algorithm used by Hetzner in their email, which is, at the time of writing, MD5 (!). Newer versions of SSH will also encode the hash as base64 instead of hexadecimal, so you might want to decode the base64 into the latter using this: The `UserKnownHostsFile` is to make sure we don't store the (temporary) SSH host key. perl -MMIME::Base64 -e '$h = unpack("H*", decode_base64(<>)); $h =~ s/(..)(?=.)/\1:/g; print $h, "\n"' 2. magic. Configuration ------------- See [[new-machine]] for post-install configuration steps.