Go to the [Heztner console][] and clikety on the web interface to get a new instance. Credentials are in `tor-passwords.git` in `hosts-extra-info` under `hetzner`. [Heztner console]: https://console.hetzner.cloud/ Pick the following settings: 1. Location: depends on the project, a monitoring server might be better in a different location than the other VMs 1. Image: Debian 9 1. Type: depends on the project 1. Volume: only if extra space is required 1. Additional features: nothing (no user data or backups) 1. SSH key: enable all configured keys 1. Name: FQDN picked from the [[doc/naming-scheme]] 1. Create the server Then, since we actually want our own Debian install, and since we want the root filesystem to be encrypted, continue with: 1. Continue on Hetzner's web interface, select the server. 1. ISO-Images: Mount SystemRescueCD (2018-04-02) 1. reboot the system and it will boot into the rescue system 1. open the console (the icon is near the top right) 1. set a root password in the rescue system 1. get the `ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub` output 1. on your host, ssh-copy-id root@<ipaddr> 1. then copy over `/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg` and `tor-install-hetzner` to the new host, 1. log into the host and run `./tor-install-hetzner` 1. once done, note down all the info and shutdown the VM 1. you might have to kill this terminal since the rescue system has done weird copy-paste settings to your terminal (you will know once the passphrase is not accepted at the copy/paste step a few items down) 1. unmount the iso (ISO Images tab), start the VM (power tab or top right). 1. `ssh -o FingerprintHash=md5 -o UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs root@<ipaddr>` to unlock the host, 1. `ssh root@<ipaddr>` to access it once booted and then Then 1. Document the LUKS passphrase and root password as well as initramfs ssh key fingerprints in tor-passwords, 1. follow the rest of [[new-machine]].