Go to the [Heztner console][] and clikety on the web interface to get a new instance. Credentials are in `tor-passwords.git` in `hosts-extra-info` under `hetzner`. TODO: consider using the [`hcloud`](https://github.com/hetznercloud/cli) command insted. [Heztner console]: https://console.hetzner.cloud/ Pick the following settings: 1. Location: depends on the project, a monitoring server might be better in a different location than the other VMs 1. Image: Debian 9 1. Type: depends on the project 1. Volume: only if extra space is required 1. Additional features: nothing (no user data or backups) 1. SSH key: enable all configured keys 1. Name: FQDN picked from the [doc/naming-scheme](doc/naming-scheme) 1. Create the server Then, since we actually want our own Debian install, and since we want the root filesystem to be encrypted, continue with: 1. Continue on Hetzner's web interface, select the server. 2. Reboot into the rescue system ("Rescue, Enable rescue & Power cycle", pick linux64 and your SSH key). this will give you a root password 3. open the console (the icon is near the top right) and login with the root password 4. get the `ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*.pub` output. NOTE: the Hetzner consoles use a different keyboard mapping than "US". Hint: `-` is on the `/` key, `/` is on shift-7 and `*` is on shift-`]` 5. login to the new host: `ssh root@$IPADDRESS`, check the fingerprint matches above 6. start a `screen` session 7. clone `tsa-misc` to the new host: `git clone https://git.torproject.org/admin/tsa-misc` 8. run `./tsa-misc/installer/tor-install-hetzner` (the ipv6 address prefix you find on the web interface. Make it end in `::1`) TODO: merge script with the [howto/new-machine-hetzner-robot](howto/new-machine-hetzner-robot) procedure. WARNING: this procedure has been known to leave `ping` non-functional for regular users, see [ticket 31781](https://bugs.torproject.org/31781) 9. once done, note down all the info and reboot the VM: `reboot` 10. `ssh -o FingerprintHash=sha1 root@<ipaddr>` to unlock the host, (to compare ssh's base64 output to dropbear's b16, you can use `perl -MMIME::Base64 -e '$h = unpack("H*", decode_base64(<>)); $h =~ s/(..)(?=.)/\1:/g; print $h, "\n"'` to convert base64 to base16. 11. `ssh root@<ipaddr>` to access it once booted Then 1. Set the reverse DNS using hetzner's website. It's in the networking section for each virtual server. Set both ipv4 and ipv6 reverse entries. 1. Document the LUKS passphrase and root password in tor-passwords, 1. follow the rest of [howto/new-machine](howto/new-machine). See [howto/new-machine-mandos](howto/new-machine-mandos) for setting up the mandos client on this host.